COB Pics

the green one belonged to roope. he let alexi use it for those tours. allu only had one esp at this time.

and after the HCDR europe tour it broke.
Yeah. He only used it for the songs in Drop C I believe, which in those days was Sixpounder and Angel's Don't Kill.

Yup, exactly. And dunno why but there was a short time when I asume he just had his green pinstriped RR and not even the RR1 Musamailma let him, or he had that one just as backup, because: (about Angels Don't Kill) Guitars on this song are tuned in Drop-C, like on "Sixpounder". At early gigs in 2003 in Finland, Alexi Laiho and Alexander Kuoppala didn't get their ESP guitars yet and the song was played in D-tuning. At that time, "Sixpounder" wasn't played at all during the Finnish gigs. (from SOB).

the green one belonged to roope. he let alexi use it for those tours. allu only had one esp at this time.

and after the HCDR europe tour it broke.

Not another n00b with the same please!!! :waah:


And why he didn't use the green pinstriped one is a very good question. I would have loved to have seen more shots of that beauty.

Yea I saw that on SOB before.

I'm interested to see what other axes Alexi has that he hasn't played much or atall on stage
At early gigs in 2003 in Finland, Alexi Laiho and Alexander Kuoppala didn't get their ESP guitars yet and the song was played in D-tuning.

I was just about to say that I don't believe that but I just found a bootleg from April 2003 where they played in Pakkahuone, Finland and it is indeed played in D standard.
Omg i think this has been posted before(cos its from bodoms website) but i just lauhged so hardly at this:

EDIT to post below (no need to make another post on THIS topic but just help clear it up I guess?: Oh yeah!! Pissed off that Jackson was sold to Fender and Fender is a "fuck you I dont care if you'r jesus christ, you have to wait like everyone else" I believe Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson still get like 1 free guitar from FENDER and have to buy any extras and that got carried over to Jackson, so Alexi had to wait a year... like everyone else, and I guess missed the special treatment... Pshh Rock Starsss...
Of course I knew about the Jackson/Esp thing and the wait, but I had long been too naive a N00b to look at it that way. No idea the whole thing was so crass.
That's cunty behaviour. I-demand-of-my-personal-assistants-to-provide-me-and my-underage-fakeboobed-girlfriends-with-vintage-champagne-and-lines-of-coke-on-a-silver-platter-around-the-clock behaviour. And COB wasn't even quite as big as today! :mad: