COB Pics

I asked in the Stone thread but I guess not as many Stone fans go in there as in here, but does anyone know why Jiri was fired from the band after No Anesthesia? I can't find info on that anywhere?

I have completely missed your question...Stone wikipedia (Finnish) say that he was fired because he didn't want to compose, practice and learn new songs anymore. In Soundi magazine (11/90) Janne, Roope and Pekka tell that Jiri was fired because he became too much a rock star. All other "rock start actives" became more important that music itself.
Ahh, thank you. Even though its...wikipedia... It's rather reliable whenever I'm looking for something, but thank the sweet Finnish lords for FINNISH WIKIPEDIA.. The one in english sais it's still unknown why he was fired...pshh. Jiri Always seemed like a cool dude to me, and was there from the start... Bummer it all went to his head and he didn't want to take it farther I guess, as far as composing songs.
i saw an old black n' white picture of alexi and Jesper somewhere in this forum, probably from an early sinergy promo pic. but i cant seem to find it anymore. if anyone has it, could you post it again. thx

and roope is the man in the jackson add. Kickass guitar!!!
i saw an old black n' white picture of alexi and Jesper somewhere in this forum, probably from an early sinergy promo pic. but i cant seem to find it anymore. if anyone has it, could you post it again. thx

and roope is the man in the jackson add. Kickass guitar!!!


I guess you mean this one.. :)
Roope had this shirt saying "Jackson - Get the best fuck the rest!", and he's using ESP nowadays. I know that Alexi was in need of new guitar in '03 but still, couldn't he just get a standard Jackson? :confused:
He did for a while. A standard RR1 with gold pinstripes. One of my favourite models except for the horrible pick guards on RR's. He used it for a few Bodom shows and Sinergy shows as well I believe. There use to be a picture of him biting the neck or something on the SOB website.. its gone now, I think I saw it again and other pictures of him playing it in this thread. It didn't have 24 frets, and two pickguards, but he could always bend the 22nd I suppose, until he got his NEW jacksons...Plus he has his green striped one at the time to didn't he?? Why not JUST use that one?

EDIT to post below (no need to make another post on THIS topic but just help clear it up I guess?: Oh yeah!! Pissed off that Jackson was sold to Fender and Fender is a "fuck you I dont care if you'r jesus christ, you have to wait like everyone else" I believe Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson still get like 1 free guitar from FENDER and have to buy any extras and that got carried over to Jackson, so Alexi had to wait a year... like everyone else, and I guess missed the special treatment... Pshh Rock Starsss...
He did for a while. A standard RR1 with gold pinstripes. One of my favourite models except for the horrible pick guards on RR's. He used it for a few Bodom shows and Sinergy shows as well I believe. There use to be a picture of him biting the neck or something on the SOB website.. its gone now, I think I saw it again and other pictures of him playing it in this thread. It didn't have 24 frets, and two pickguards, but he could always bend the 22nd I suppose, until he got his NEW jacksons...Plus he has his green striped one at the time to didn't he?? Why not JUST use that one?

EDIT to post below (no need to make another post on THIS topic but just help clear it up I guess?: Oh yeah!! Pissed off that Jackson was sold to Fender and Fender is a "fuck you I dont care if you'r jesus christ, you have to wait like everyone else" I believe Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson still get like 1 free guitar from FENDER and have to buy any extras and that got carried over to Jackson, so Alexi had to wait a year... like everyone else, and I guess missed the special treatment... Pshh Rock Starsss...



And why he didn't use the green pinstriped one is a very good question. I would have loved to have seen more shots of that beauty.
Roope had this shirt saying "Jackson - Get the best fuck the rest!", and he's using ESP nowadays. I know that Alexi was in need of new guitar in '03 but still, couldn't he just get a standard Jackson? :confused:

Because he wanted an RR shaped guitar with 24 frets? And Roope had it when Jackson was Jackson and not Fender. There's no comparison nowadays. USA models are still :kickass: but Jackson isn't what it used to be anymore.

He did for a while. A standard RR1 with gold pinstripes. One of my favourite models except for the horrible pick guards on RR's. He used it for a few Bodom shows and Sinergy shows as well I believe. There use to be a picture of him biting the neck or something on the SOB website.. its gone now, I think I saw it again and other pictures of him playing it in this thread. It didn't have 24 frets, and two pickguards, but he could always bend the 22nd I suppose, until he got his NEW jacksons...Plus he has his green striped one at the time to didn't he?? Why not JUST use that one?

EDIT to post below (no need to make another post on THIS topic but just help clear it up I guess?: Oh yeah!! Pissed off that Jackson was sold to Fender and Fender is a "fuck you I dont care if you'r jesus christ, you have to wait like everyone else" I believe Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson still get like 1 free guitar from FENDER and have to buy any extras and that got carried over to Jackson, so Alexi had to wait a year... like everyone else, and I guess missed the special treatment... Pshh Rock Starsss...

Well, if I had toured my ass of with known bands (kids see my guitar and want one) and while that done huge amount of promotion and also have alwas been loyal to Jackson (even though he was not endorsed by them, Alexi always wrote on their album that he played exclusively Jackson guitars), I would expect, if not a real endorsement, at least a bit of special treatment.



And why he didn't use the green pinstriped one is a very good question. I would have loved to have seen more shots of that beauty.

Me too, :lol: But he used it for a whole tour (the part of the HCD tour COB did with Alexander, so I don't know why there aren't more pics :ill: