COB Pics


:lol: i always thougt men look better when they get older.poor guy*runsawayfromfangirls*

you really didn't take the photo and just posted it (after you got the link from some one) and than put your watermark on it? :lol:!
*loook look look i found a pic, i posted it, now everyone has to see it that i posted it first*
@ Kindred Spirit and Snowy: the reason I put my name on photos I post is to help me remember which
ones I've already posted (as I post rather a lot!) - I'm not trying to imply that I took the photos
Dunno how that would help u to remember which u posted....Would be easier to have ur already posted pics in a special folder on ur pc..but wtf

@ Kindred Spirit and Snowy: the reason I put my name on photos I post is to help me remember which
ones I've already posted (as I post rather a lot!) - I'm not trying to imply that I took the photos

Clever, even I was thinking is it really you taking the pics. :lol:
Dunno how that would help u to remember which u posted....Would be easier to have ur already posted pics in a special folder on ur pc..but wtf


When someone posts a pic, if the pic has the ''originally posted by sleeper666" tag she knows she already has it. Does make sense as she's the main source of this thread and having as many pics as she has it's quite impossible to remember all you have.
I don't give a shit about the tag of the photo...
This is not a magazine where it could be important,we're in a forum and we share photos with other fans...we don't wanna put a tag in a photo just to say "ehy, I took that pic!i'm fucking lucky,envy me!"....when i find a pic in the net,and i find it great, i just post it to share with the others,'cause everyfan,i think,likes to see pics of his (favourite)band...

And i've to say that i respect sleeper because of his intention and 'cause his tag is so small and doesn't cover the pic...i personally hate photographers who put a big one and ruin a good photo

^all IMHO :)