COB to tour North America with Amon Amarth

What the fuck with makeup ? I mean, I don't wear makeup, but it's like: "Long hair is for girl". Makeup were use by great warrior in ancient time, even eyeliner cause it was giving deep and dark eyes. But now because of recent fashion makeup is exclussif to girl because if a guy wear it he's gay...
Fetzer said:
What the fuck with makeup ? I mean, I don't wear makeup, but it's like: "Long hair is for girl". Makeup were use by great warrior in ancient time, even eyeliner cause it was giving deep and dark eyes. But now because of recent fashion makeup is exclussif to girl because if a guy wear it he's gay...

Yer right. But I did say: "Make-up... on men?? Not for me... but hey, whatever floats yer boat, right?"

Meaning like, I don't find wearing make-up enjoyable or cool, personally, for me, but if others do it, then be my guest. I'm not judging them or putting them down, most of my favourite musicians wear make-up. I guess I shoulda been more clear, like, i guess that seems like I was bashing dudes who wear make-up, i'd never do that, unless it's an emo-kid or dave navarro, then i'd say 'no one wants to see your nipples you talentless, shirtless asshole, button it up and go fuck off dickbrain"

That's why it's called make-up! It was made to make up for all the faults in your looks or something :rolleyes:
^It's not only for faults in your looks. It either extends your beauty or hides your ugliness. For alexi, it makes him look hotter than he already is. He has natural beauty and was blessed with good looks but makeup just takes it to the max.

Heartless Name: I am not fat!!!!!!!! My pic is coming, then you'll see i'm not some fatass!!!

Authentic Metalhead: I don't really consider corpse paint makeup. For them, it makes them look evil or to fit the image. But sometimes they overdue it or has some cheap kind of style.
^WTF?! That's the last thing i'd do. I don't have any pics on me on my computer so i have to scan one at home and put it on the internet.
^ Lucky you! I had planned to go to the show in Phoenix but now I'm not sure if I'll have the $ to go since i just moved into a new place :mad:
-[chop]- said:
I maybe cant make it to the show in Stockholm :erk:

that really sucks! Hopefully you end up getting to go. I'm still waiting to see if i can make phoenix. If neither of us get to go, we can complain about it together :)
Nikkie said:
CHILDREN OF BODOM will team up with AMON AMARTH, SANCTITY, and GOJIRA for a North American tour in December. Tentative dates so far are as follows:

Dec. 01 - Detroit, MI @ Harpo's
Dec. 04 - Dallas, TX @ Gypsy Ballroom

Many more dates will be announced soon.

sweet jesus.
i hope they come somewhere near here.
my life would be complete if i got to see them live.
Fetzer said:
What the fuck with makeup ? I mean, I don't wear makeup, but it's like: "Long hair is for girl". Makeup were use by great warrior in ancient time, even eyeliner cause it was giving deep and dark eyes. But now because of recent fashion makeup is exclussif to girl because if a guy wear it he's gay...

If by make-up in ancient times you mean kohl, then yes, men wore it to keep the sun and glare out of their eyes just like baseball and football players do with the black stuff under their eyes. It was not intended for beauty on men, which is why you did not find notherners using it.

Still, in essence, men with make-up lose their manliness. Physically men lose their manliness if you do a little *snip snip snip* and turn them into eunicks, but that is beside the point. (I bet that is every man's worst nightmare :lol: )
Hm, yeh, make up does decrease manliness, and also maybe enhances a girl's perception of their attractiveness, depends I spose. I still don't wear it, but if you do and like it, cool, good for you, all the best...

RANDOM PS: YESTERDAY I went to the Iron maiden concert here where I was, and I had floor tickets, and OMFG!! I can't describe how amazing it was.. so I won't, it's just too great, one of the best times of my life... when I get home I'll post pics for anyone who's interested in the appropriate thread. Also I'll post the pics rom the Soilwork concert I went to last Monday. 2 concerts within a week, both were awesome... now I have to wait alllllllllllllllll the way until december for the next one :(