COB to tour North America with Amon Amarth

I bought my tickets October 3rd.. and now I just have to wait, I am too fucking excited though, I want to see Amon Amarth and CoB so fuckign bad :p But nothing I can do. But I might be in jail by then :( cause if I go to HMV on tuesday, and they still don't have CRY in, I'm gonna kick someone's fucking ass bad. I could have fucking had it by now if i ordered from overseas, but the cunts told me not to cause by the time I did (Oct 12th) it wouldn't be in by the time it came in stores (Oct 24th), so it would abeen better to wait. Those motherfuckers are in for it. :D Anyways I got off topic :lol: The show is gonna be sick!! If I'm not doing 2 years for assault :p
Hehe, good news for those attending this upcoming tour! Look at the bolded stuff relating to the songs they wanna play :D:D:D:D:D

Zarok: So do you plan playing “If You Want Peace” on the next North America tour?

Alexi: Yeah, definitely! Because after this tour, I think we have four or five days at home before we hit the USA, so I mean we all agreed on the fact that we have to do something different. We’re gonna have to play different songs because for this album it’s like the fifth tour or something? And I think this is too much but everybody thought that it’s a good idea so that’s what we’re gonna do. So in those four days that we have, we’re gonna use it on practicing that song and maybe “Trashed”, maybe “Children Of Bodom” which we actually played at Loudpark festival in Japan.

So new songs for the upcoming tour setlist = GOOD news :D:D
I dont get it, they would have a ton of people show up if they came here, I dont wanna have to drive to Dallas, but I might have to.
^Yeh I did, but I can always hope too.. besides judging from that interview, Alexi says a lot of things in interviews that he forgets so :erk: Hopefully they do change up the setlist though. I'm not complaining though, they played a KICKASS SETLIST last time I saw them, I'll dig it up from my other comp and post it here soon :D I just would like hear a few songs I haven't heard live by them before.
I wanna hear Mask of Sanity:yell: :Spin:

HAHAHA THEY PLAYED THAT AT IN TORONTO BACK IN MARCH! :rock: (Apparently they never played it in the U.S. yet :(:() it was great though:

"Chicago 29th of March 2006

Nice dayoff yesterday. Drinking redwine in a jazzclub, watching and listening the local band. The dude with the sax was good. Rhode Island, Toronto, Columbus, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are behind. Good shows. Some of them not totally packed but lots of people anyway. Thanks for that. Toronto show was one of the best we've ever had. We've never been to Rhode Island before so we were surprised to see so many people. Ohio, we have skipped this one on last tours and now it was good to be back. Happy gettogether with Chimaira boys in Cleveland. Thanks for the wet t-shirt event Matt!!!! We got to know the Through The Eyes boys and God Forbid's dudes a little better. Good times, good times.

What a crowd in Pittsburgh! The stage was small and the sound was terrible but the crowd was still totally crazy. I wonder why many bands skip Pittsburgh area nowadays!


Yes, and I was there :D:D
Children of Bodom here in Mtl by dec.18!

AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN ..... yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rock: