COB to tour North America with Amon Amarth

Lady_Laiho said:
^Don't call me a 13 year old!!!!! Here's something to think about: I can't get a job, i can't take rides from friends, i can't take the car out and my parents won't let me get my driver's license yet, there are no taxies here, and the world has not fucked me over until i found out tour dates.

Check if it isnt there they prolly wont play....
Jesus christ shut up Lady Laiho!!!

You've turned this thread from talking about COB's north american tour to a place where we read about your drama that I doubt anyone cares about.

Stop making Americans look like complete idiots please.
seeing Alexi must not be all that important..

Met them in the spring... great guys. Would be nice to meet them again on this tour.. tell Alexi to watch for 13 year old stalkers
Lady_Laiho said:
^Don't call me a 13 year old!!!!!
Don't act like one...I've met 13 year olds that are less horny and whiney than you. Fact is, if you watned it, you'd have it, except laiho, who you cant, and never will have.

My apologies to all for runing this thread with my arguments.

For all Torotno Fans, NO show, which sucks because Bodom has a huge following here and would have packed the house easily.
Has anyone been able to get tickets for the Minneapolis show yet? I want to go but first I need to find out how much and also if it will be all ages. I dont want to have to drive to Milwaukee but I will if need be. Minneapolis is only about 3 hour drive and milwaukee is about 6 hours.
^Most likely it should be all ages. Most concerts usually are unless they're gonna get extremely violent or something.

Cliffburton: the only one i want is Alexi

Kamaria: I know it's you. *keeps myself from punching you in the muthafuckin face*

I'm actually surprised that they're touring again. I thought the North aMerican tour earlier this year and unholy alliance was it. I guess they're just saying they aren't dead yet and aren't going to die down any time soon. Either that or they just love touring.
guillaume_of_bodom said:
or is a fake acount...period

See you are wrong here...War_Blade is ip banned...and everytime he makes an account he gets banned no not him...
it can't be war_blade because everytime he creates an account, it gets banned fast

edit: damn lol, chop beat me to it