So you want me to take the name on the gravestone off, anything else??

If you want nitpicking, the white title font interacts with the white moon in a not-so-pleasant way. Not sure what can be done, it's your call.

I also wouldn't mind to have sepia instead of gray overtone, although that's just personal preference, others may disagree. It would also make the cover look dangerously similar to Morgul's All Dead Here haha

Also, if you guys have names and want to send them to me I can start working on the final version, which will sure look much better than with "Song title-Artist" all over the place.

Wouldn't you need the song order for that first? In any case, list me as Ausdoerrt (my youtube account name), and the song title is "Gloria ut Flamma".

@Ensi: I'm almost done here, might decide to record some additional back-vocal parts, and also need to do some final mixing touches. Otherwise, expect a finished song before tomorrow morning (EST).
Enseh did you receive my email?

I never use my MSN mail for anything but logging into MSN.

But yes, I got it :)

@Ensi: I'm almost done here, might decide to record some additional back-vocal parts, and also need to do some final mixing touches. Otherwise, expect a finished song before tomorrow morning (EST).

Wouldn't it be better to just list the forum names on the songs? I'll be going over every song to correct everything (if any).
Wouldn't it be better to just list the forum names on the songs?

That's another way to do it, yes. I'll still need to credit all the contributors in the .mp3 file, but that you don't have to worry about.
Here's my take on the album art, say what you want:

Ugh, frankly I hate that font. Looks OK for the main title but horrible for everything else.

The layout's cool tho.
haha, it's cool...I can be referred to as "the guys" too :p

Ensitard, I meant to just add me as in I'm actually participating foo!! Half the people listed on there aren't even contributing anything. Anyway, everything is recorded now and you'll have the song soon.

Also that font looks like some gangsta shit. I thought Ensi purposely made it like that.
Yay! Between now and tomorrow night people gets their shit together and we have new album on Wednesday! Can't wait to see what you guys (and Twisha) have this time around! :kickass:

Fuck yeah!

Ensitard, I meant to just add me as in I'm actually participating foo!! Half the people listed on there aren't even contributing anything. Anyway, everything is recorded now and you'll have the song soon.

Also that font looks like some gangsta shit. I thought Ensi purposely made it like that.

Aight bro, will add you.

I thought the font looked cool :)

Who the fuck do I gotta send the fuck this year ?

You send the fuck to me!

If you want to make it a tiny bit easier you can:

Flappeh, as soon as you know you're done (this goes for everyone else too):

-Send it to me
-Remember to type what the song-title is
Optional: Add a text file of lyrics (if you have vocals), and GP tab!

If you have lyrics and/or tabs, you can add them in a RAR file named as your username together with your song.

That's not necessary though, you can always just shoot over the song with the songtitle.
I just have to make a sappy moment and say that we have created some pretty awesome sounding stuff.

I mean shit, it sounds better than 90% of crap you find on the internet.