srry to interfere but can anyone answer this...!

Katatonia + (I once had a girl, or should I say ). The connect will give you a tour's name. Name the tour
Quick question, could anybody make VST keys and bass for me? I seem to have lost all my soundfonts and deleted Fruity Loops.

Send me the MIDI and tell me what kind of sound you're looking for, and I'll put soundfonts on it for you. One thing Sampletank does have is a crapload of keyboard sounds.
I've been asked to start work at 5am every day this week so I've been fooked every day, so still no song from me. I'm going to try and sort it Sunday evening/Tuesday. I really need to pull my finger out!!
I'll record some bass lines for ye, send me the gp file.

Nice, I'll finish it tonight and send it to you :)

Send me the MIDI and tell me what kind of sound you're looking for, and I'll put soundfonts on it for you. One thing Sampletank does have is a crapload of keyboard sounds.

Ok I'll send it to you, thanks!

My post was deleted =( :p
Btw, what about the album cover?

What had you posted???
@COCO: dude, sent you teh keyz.

Man, you got lazy there, I suggest you go write a fucking outro :lol:
Well, the riffage is really cool, but it felt a bit incomplete from the tab. We'll see how it is on the recording though ;)

BTW, you also musically ninja'd me since I was writing a very similar intro for my next song >___>
:lol: sorry, feel free to go for it if you want tho, I won't "Metallica" you haha. Thanks for the feedback, I think it sounds much better when recorded, let's see how it turns out, I should be done by tomorrow night ;)
I hope dave's done with guitars by tomorrow, since as I understand that's the deadline...

Also, snowy, do you want to mix my stuff or what?
I hope dave's done with guitars by tomorrow, since as I understand that's the deadline...

Also, snowy, do you want to mix my stuff or what?

Ohhh shiiiit, didn't realize we had a deadline yet :lol:, I'm 3/4 through your song as of now (there's one riff giving me trouble though). So it should be finished tomorrow (my time).
Ohhh shiiiit, didn't realize we had a deadline yet :lol:, I'm 3/4 through your song as of now (there's one riff giving me trouble though). So it should be finished tomorrow (my time).

Tis cool, seems like everyone's in the same boat so it should be fine. Also, the ending is mostly a repeat so should be easy.
COBOT, I has song. Now I just need to figure out the name and I'll send it to Ensi, but song is completely recorded :kickass: Also, thanks to Crzy_Aus for the keys and Dries for the bass, nice sounding both! Crzy, you'll see that the ending is actually pretty sound as it is, I think you'll like it much more than on the tab, there it looks meh. So deadline is today then or what??

Also, who's doing artwork? Should I give it a quick try and send something to Ensi with my song or has anyone already done something? It'd be major bummer if we had to delay the thing for the fucking artwork :erk: