Also make sure your mom doesn't call you for dinner/starts vacuumcleaning in the other room/any other environmental sounds at the very moment you've almost finished a perfect recording, therefore ruining it completely

that just happened too much to me:(
dude that sucks! That's the purpose for recording studios I guess =/

Song all recorded :D Just waiting for vocals now, awesome.

who's doing your vox?
I have absolutely no idea. Seeing as I haven't recieved any songs yet, and people are still recording uhh...Maybe some more day (even possibly a week if that's required?)

This all depends. Now, people, how long have you gotten? Have you recorded? Is there anyone who is done/close to done?
Well if you guys are low on songs, I do have a song I can submit. It has been recorded and mixed, but it's lacking vocals. I need someone to do punkish/death metal vox on it.
I'm guessing Alex isn't helping out on this album, so if anyone is up for vox, let me know.
I've got drums (kinda) sorted and can (kinda) sort my guitar tone, I think it's just a dodgy input jack connection so I will try and do it during the week. I can play it within 10 mins, I reckon it'll be guitar tone that'll make me hate it.
I'm pretty much all set on the song, I just have to get done with my stupid presentation for Tuesday and then I don't think it'd take me more than an envening or so to record. I could be well done by the end of the week. Should we say e.g. a Friday deadline? Or Sunday? I don't know, whatever fits for you guys, but I don't think we should push it more than 15th or people will forget about the songs and then go "ah fuck it I didn't remember and can't be arsed now".
I'm done except my tone sound like shit and the quality of sound in general could be lots better. I'm also waiting to see if one of my friends can record the guitar part or, alternatively, if I can sort out the sound to record rhythm guitar part on the violin. It sounds a lot better if I run everything through amp emulation, but it'll take time to re-record everything and mix it all from scratch.

So yeah, unless something magical happens, don't count on me, since it looks like sorting this shit out could take a little while.
Hey guys, long time no see! I've led quite a hectic life for the past 1-2 years but things are quietening down now. Good job on keeping the thread alive Ensi! I've got a song to submit if that's cool with you guys, i managed to get a new computer so i can record again. I do need some help with bass/strings/keyboard/vocals if anyone's interested. Here's what i have so far, it's in the early stages of writing/recording. It's just a simple bang your head metal song. The song will fade out in the final version that's why it ends weird and sorry for the bad mixing. (and pretty much copy paste drums :lol:)

I'm done except my tone sound like shit and the quality of sound in general could be lots better. I'm also waiting to see if one of my friends can record the guitar part or, alternatively, if I can sort out the sound to record rhythm guitar part on the violin. It sounds a lot better if I run everything through amp emulation, but it'll take time to re-record everything and mix it all from scratch.

So yeah, unless something magical happens, don't count on me, since it looks like sorting this shit out could take a little while.

If your guitar parts are in E standard i'm sure i could record them for you.
If your guitar parts are in E standard i'm sure i could record them for you.

Yay, no way, am I actually gonna finish this damn song for the album now, hehe? Check PM for tabs, please.

Also, groovy song man, you totally need some White Skull -style vocals for that. (and more active drums lol).
Dave damnit! I am so jealous of that guitar tone! How did you get it?
Awesome song btw and good to have you back =)
Dave damnit! I am so jealous of that guitar tone! How did you get it?
Awesome song btw and good to have you back =)

You'll be happy to know it's all VST! :lol: I used the Nick Crow 7170 lead for the rhythm IMO sounds better than his other one. Then i used the SIR2 program to emulate the cab (i forgotten what you call that) using "catharsis-awesometime-fredman" and using the "s-preshigh.wav" one.
Wow fuck Dave, I really like the tone! Looking good!

Now it makes me even more ashamed of the tone I'll end up with, since I'm recording this song with a crappy Epiphone Les Paul my roomate has, my Jackson won't be here until next week so crappy LP it is, I'll hope for not so bad tone :lol:
tone is such a bitch.

You'll be happy to know it's all VST! :lol: I used the Nick Crow 7170 lead for the rhythm IMO sounds better than his other one. Then i used the SIR2 program to emulate the cab (i forgotten what you call that) using "catharsis-awesometime-fredman" and using the "s-preshigh.wav" one.

what....? so those guitar tracks were VST :confused:
I think he means VST effects. You know, digital effects you can get running your instrument through the computer.