Hai COBOT, I'm very wise and today at hockey practice I managed to crush my thumb. It's swollen like a motherfucker and hurts, but doesn't look broken (hopefully). So, if it's just swollen, it should be back to normal shape in a couple of days giving me a frantic last day recording madness, if not, I'm sorry but I'll have to bail. I tried playing today, but it's just impossible. But hey, hopefully I wake up tomorrow and it's all good (or kinda) and I can get it done.

oh shit dont wanna be a fucker but that's not gonna heal in the next 2-3 weeks, that happened to 3 of my fingers in a row, all of em playin basketball ..... they will never be the same again esp. my left pinky :cry:

what I recommend is go to the traumatologist or wathever doctor immediately, and follow his instructions very carefully, don't rush anything 4 Alexi's sake ... and don't play guitar or hockey or wank till its fully functional...
oh shit dont wanna be a fucker but that's not gonna heal in the next 2-3 weeks, that happened to 3 of my fingers in a row, all of em playin basketball ..... they will never be the same again esp. my left pinky :cry:

what I recommend is go to the traumatologist or wathever doctor immediately, and follow his instructions very carefully, don't rush anything 4 Alexi's sake ... and don't play guitar or hockey or wank till its fully functional...

I'm also having problems. When I plug in my Jackson RR, sometimes I have full distortion and sometimes it's like it's set to 1, I can sort it by giving the cable a wiggle but now it's stuck and can't get the full sound, something to do with the input jack that is stupidly hidden away inside the body with hardly any access. Still no BT from me and I'm busy sat night & sun morning/afternoon.

I have exactly 1:1 the same problem atm. :ill:
You're having input jack problems in the guitar?? Well that is indeed a bitch in RRs, but with some patience and small pliers you can get it done.

oh shit dont wanna be a fucker but that's not gonna heal in the next 2-3 weeks, that happened to 3 of my fingers in a row, all of em playin basketball ..... they will never be the same again esp. my left pinky :cry:

what I recommend is go to the traumatologist or wathever doctor immediately, and follow his instructions very carefully, don't rush anything 4 Alexi's sake ... and don't play guitar or hockey or wank till its fully functional...

:lol: my father is a traumatologist, and he happens to play handball and has gotten this many times, and it does heal in two/three days, not weeks. You must've broken them if they took so long to heal. Mine isn't as swollen anymore and I'm back to over 50% mobility, so I think I can safely asume it'll be fully functional by Tuesday/Wednesady.
I'm probably going to cancel to be honest. I can't be bothered to rush, the timing is all wrong so for that reason, I'm out.
Seeing how this whole thing's failing, and I still don't have tracks from Marie, I'm probably out as well. I'll try to record them on a violin if I have time tomorrow, but if it sounds like shit in the end (which it probably will), then I give up until someone wants to record guitar and base for me.
Lawl, or in a typical COBOT fashion we can delay it a week, after all every time we go on one we end up like this, so why not keep the tradition? It's not like we have a record label setting the date. Some seriousness and deadline is always good, but if on deadline it's going to be 2 songs and a week can make it 7 or 8 then why not wait a week? But a week people, let's not start pushing it back and back because then we'll never do it, and seeing as this time we were going fairly serious it'd be a shame not to finish it, don't you think?
Definitely. I've got a week off work starting now so I'm going to try and get it sorted for whenever everyone else is ready.

Although, my guitar is puzzling me. It'll be fine when I plug it in but then 2/3 mins later, the distortion level gets lower and lower and lower. It's a J-50BC pickup so no battery is in the thing so I don't know what it could be.
....Aaaaaaand I just got home from visiting some family members so I only have like.. tomorrow.. and I need (well "want") vocals for my song.

Guess it's dealyan tiem, fuck yeah cobot style
Fuck yea I need a delay. Haven't even fully written my song yet but I'll figure something out quickly.
So, who wants to do guitars for me?

Ensi, I could try doing the vocals for you if you have lyrics written; however, I kinda suck a bit at vocals.
I've recorded guitar part on violin and used MIDI bass; as expected, it sounds like ass but if nobody wants to record guitars for me, I may just submit that version cause this whole thing obviously isn't going anywhere.
If Alex helps me out with vocals, I'll submit my song. It's been recorded for a couple months now, but he hasn't been able to get to the vox =/

Fuck yea I need a delay. Haven't even fully written my song yet but I'll figure something out quickly.

Yours is the one I am anxiously waiting to hear!
The song's mildly black-metally. The guitar line is probably pretty boring. Anyhow, sent you a message, please check mailbox...