I'm about 5mins in, gotta end it soon otherwise it'll go on forever...

Then gotta record the bitch, it's gonna be difficult getting a decent tone/mix, eugh
^Come on!

I have a song, but a crappy guitar my roomate here in Austria has, plus lack floyd and extra frets needed for some stuff, so I'll either rearrange it or resort to an old nice song I have around :kickass:
C'mon guys, we seriously need a deadline, this is ridiculous. If we don't come up with one soon we may as well postpone it.
C'mon guys, we seriously need a deadline, this is ridiculous. If we don't come up with one soon we may as well postpone it.

Well, my song is complete except for jmbullet's tracks, who is still recording (I think), and final mixing. I'd definitely enjoy getting this done as soon as possible as well, so hopefully everybody actually remembers about this thing soon, lest COBOT album is dead forever.

Also, any word on the cover image?
Yeah need a deadline, otherwise I'll never find the motivation to finish my song. I've got about 5mins worth and will just fade it out if I have to!! Will only take a few days to sort out drums and record guitars.
^How about you give me your R6 and you don't have to do anything?! :D

And I haven't composed shit, I mean fuck, suggestions to deadline? I got halloween atm, maybe a halloween themed album?
My song's about burning a witch, so that'd work pretty well haha

That said, if jmbullet never shows up, does anyone else want to record guitar and base for my song?
So are we in for November 1st deadline??? I only have to figure out a solo for a part of my song, the rest is done, now I have to record.

My song's about burning a witch, so that'd work pretty well haha

That said, if jmbullet never shows up, does anyone else want to record guitar and base for my song?

Well, I could give it a try. If you want to send me the tab I can look at it and tell you, that is if you trust my playing :lol: