Jesus titties I haven't even started, I think we might need to delay this shit.

May be a good idea. I should be done recording soon but who knows how long vocals and mixing will take.
Well I actually do have two full songs recorded and all ready to go on, completely different and shit, but not so sure if I want to use them for COBOT Album or for my band :lol: Mostly because both came along really song-alike, with verses and all the shit, wanting vocals, and there's no way I can record vocals, plus I'd rather have my COBOT songs instrumental. But don't worry COBOT, I'll do something :lol: Just fix a deadline for me and then I'll work much better :D
Don't really think mine's up to power yet, but fuck it, Ill be ready on order (although I would like a little more time :D).
I have been writing a shitload of songs, but nothing for COBOT.
I'm almost done recording, Knorghul recorded my bass track, I still need to do the keyboards for his song, also don't worry crazy violin guy I haven't forgotten about you, I'm almost done recording your song too. I've just been so busy with work and everything but I work on the songs as much as I can.
Oh whoops sorry missed that post. I got some friends to help out with the vocals, the shit's gonna be totally awesome.
Finally finished getting vocals together. All that remains now is mixing.

How's everyone else doing w/ the songs?