i recorded a super retarded pseudo-prog/tech death song with my friend on the music studio course at camp, considering whether to be lazy and just submit that
hooray double post

I wrote another song last night, think I'll use this, feedback has been brilliant so far, opinions would be nice

EDIT: thanks vikk

DOUBLE EDIT: taken down, want to keep it a surprise for some people at least
(besides expectations are high atm I'll probably suck at playing it)
Guys, why is we uploading da songz b4 da alboom iz rarleesed??

But just to comment, that song is rather kickass, cant wait to hear it with real stuffz!
^ You can do sth flashy like a giant fancy pentagram with letters C-O-B-O-T in each corner. Or something.
^ You can do sth flashy like a giant fancy pentagram with letters C-O-B-O-T in each corner. Or something.

Guys, why is we uploading da songz b4 da alboom iz rarleesed??


Please don't :p

I'd like to work on the cover art if you guys are OK with that....Shoot me some ideas and I'll do what I can :D

Yeah, go for it! I'm gonna think abuot ideas and shit.

^ You can do sth flashy like a giant fancy pentagram with letters C-O-B-O-T in each corner. Or something.

No, no fucking pentagrams.
I got a question:
Is mixing/mastering needed at all? Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to it but how many of you guys are willing to send me the files/tracks and who is gonna do it by him or herself?
Just to know how many people might want the recordings to be mixed by someone else.
^I think it'd be cool if all songs were mixed and mastered by the same person so the final product would sound more like an actual album and not 10 songs randomly tossed together in a .zip file
^Yeah but that would be excessive work for said person. Unless he/she/it is okay with it, random songs in a .RAR (.zip sucks) file sounds good.