I got a question:
Is mixing/mastering needed at all? Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to it but how many of you guys are willing to send me the files/tracks and who is gonna do it by him or herself?
Just to know how many people might want the recordings to be mixed by someone else.

I'd love to get my song mixed by sb else because I suck at mixing, especially for drums. If you don't mind, I'd love to just send you a heap of recorded tracks for mixing/mastering as soon as everything's recorded.

No, I won't do anything among the lines of that.

Was a joke BTW. Sorry, but I've got no serious ideas for the cover.
I wouldn't ask you to send me files if it wasn't ok for me dudes :D
But I dunno if I have the time to mix the complete album as my final exams are lying ahead but I could of course do more than one!

Buuut, what kind of recordings are you sending me?I guess the line signal from the guitar ,right? And the rest is ... ?
I'll probably just send you an archive with the whole Reaper project file plus all the separate recording .wav files so that you don't have to time the stuff. As soon as jmbullet is done recording guitar and bass, I will.

Well, almost, there's still the issue of vocals, it could take a few days till I get someone to do them or at least get a mic.
well reaper files wont help as I dont use Reaper and wont mix with reaper :/
could you all just consolidate the tracks/regions, convert them to wav (if you havent recorded them as wavs) and then send them to me?would be the best way.
if the tracks have all the same lenght I d ont need any session files and can mix them with logic/protools.
Yeah I'll try. Will still take some time till everything is recorded and ready though.
One person mixing everything would'nt help at all cause its the actual tone of the intruments that makes the sound (especially drums).
As said I have superior and expansions aswell as a good mixing setup, so if anyone doesn't feel good about his mix, needs drums or reamp he can send it over.
I also take REAPER projects, thats my DAW <3

^^I used AD for drums this time and I'm quite satisfied with the sound - difference like heaven and earth compared to cheapass VSTi.

You're right about the instrument sound but having smb who has a good idea of what he's doing to be in charge of the mixing is always good. Doesn't have to be one person.
Hey guys I know i'm new but I would like to join !


Remember to read through the entire first post to see what to do if you already haven't :) Any questions ask here or you can PM me :)

You gotta compose a song real fast I guess..

So deadline's September 1st? If so I gotta work hard on this one :lol:

oh tits, so do I :lol:

Jesus titties I haven't even started, I think we might need to delay this shit. Or I could do like I've always done, compose and record a song in 2 horus :lol:
i changed my mind 3 times already about the direction of the song, but this week should be done
Since I haven't been in my room where all my recording equipment is for almost 2 months I haven't been able to record anything yet. I have composed a little but not a full song yet either. I will be able to record next monday but I'm not sure if I can pump out a full song in one day. But we'll see.
Mine's coming along nicely, have 4mins at the moment so could wrap it up anytime, don't really know where it's heading at the moment but I've finally got something I like.