Cobra Clip using Cab Impulses

I'm going to guess that clip 1 was the mic'd cab and clip 2 was the impulse clip.

the clips do sound nearly identical though. I'll give you that. thanks for doing the comparison. (I guess it was just the tone of the rig that I didn't like).

the one thing that a cab does well that I wonder if impulses deal with is the low frequency resonance. you know that bumpy sort of "thump thump" you get when palm muting power chords. do impulse responses somehow account for that? I believe that may be what slipperman was calling "LF swings", but I'm not sure.
Blind clips are fun!
Hard to say but I think the second is the miced cab... coz it maybe sounds a bit warmer to my ears!
Ah it's reamped isn't it?

I looked at the waveforms.. on the second time!
The only differences should be nonlinearities from the speaker breakup and the moving air, power tubes etc... but I don't know what I'm looking for! But yeah you can see bigger differences!

If it was a sine wave or something like this but the signal is to complex!
well I'm convinced that impulses sound as good as a mic'd cab (to my ears). that's pretty cool. I can now record at any time of the day! schweet.

another cool thing about this is that the technology is in the public domain; at least the impulses themselves often are.
what I like is that I over 100 that I have recorded with my cabs and I can run thru them and come up with a lot of different tones very quickly.
Keiffer said:
what I like is that I over 100 that I have recorded with my cabs and I can run thru them and come up with a lot of different tones very quickly.
yeah that's an awesome benefit. in fact any recordings I do from this point out, even when I'm micing a cab (my computer isn't fast enough to have a latency free impulse running so I can hear what the guitar is going to sound like, so I have to mic a cab just to hear how it's going to sound), I'll recording the slave out from my mesa 20/20 direct into the computer; so I can throw impulses on it later.

now I gotta get my hands on pristine space or something similar, and start hoarding impulse responses :D
I am not shure about this, but I think that using impulse reverb have to introduce letancy and it has nothing to do with your computer. It's just that your host compensate for it later in playback.
if anyone is using my impulses, note they are stereo, so you can treat it just like a doubly mic'd cab... if the convolution plugin handles stereo.
just one instance if it's a stereo plug like Pristine Space. I use Voxengo's AFImpulse because it's always wet and basically simpler.

I can't account for your DAW SW, but in Samplitude, I can feed the plugin a Mono signal and get out a Stereo cab. then I usually mix it to mono just like I normally do a doubly mic'd cab.
