Cobra Clip using Cab Impulses

blind test clips are always cool... like to hear more like different speaker cable, different tubescreamer (oh we already got this), preamp tubes etc...
xmarcelx said:
blind test clips are always cool... like to hear more like different speaker cable, different tubescreamer (oh we already got this), preamp tubes etc...
I plan on doing two blind tests in the near future. one being Electro Harmonix vs Mesa power tubes. another being THD attenuated cranked amp vs cranked amp with no attenuation. I'm mostly curious for my own uses but I'll post them on this forum when they're done.
I have used your cobra impulses and there are great man....good job!!!

Ill post a clip of my 5150 fx out thru the impulses....sounds good to my ears....
Hi Keiffer

I read the other post where you were a bit annoyed that everyone seemed to dismiss impulses.

I think what you are hearing is a dissatifaction with using *other people's impulses. Impulses that are recorded directly from the head correctly and matched with the exact mic position with real recording should be very close. (like your clips). BTW..the last time someone let me hear some clips that were so perfectly voiced I found out he use an eq matching program. What a Cheater...haha

But people want to use impulses to get other cab sounds that they dont have. Thats where they dont work well. I have been dealing with impulses since they first came out and if your not using the head that was used it seems they just dont cut it without major surgery. They also seem to work better for colder, harder voicings than warm stuff

For you it seems to be working real well because you are using the original equipment. So you have found the perfect senario but none of the impulses posted on this forum worked on any my 3 heads.

BTW..if you want to do a better clip comparison you have to show off the cab and its space by playing something that stops abrubtly--also something that chuggs as well as low notes that really spit off the mic and a real long barre chord hold. To me, those are the little details that I always had a problem with when using impuses. But again, for what your playing its real good. It would be picky say one is better as it sits now.

How does it feel to you?
Phase said:
BTW..if you want to do a better clip comparison you have to show off the cab and its space by playing something that stops abrubtly--also something that chuggs as well as low notes that really spit off the mic and a real long barre chord hold. To me, those are the little details that I always had a problem with when using impuses.

Anyone want to volunteer to record and/or host a few DI guitar sample wav files for the rest of the forum to use as reamp-able common ground in comparison tests?

"Here's what Universal DI Sample #3 - Chug sounds like through my rig with an SM57."

"Cool! Here's what it sounds like with an i5 and JJ tubes."

and so on and so forth...
Daunt said:
Is this plugin still available? Can't find it anywhere.

Yeah....its part of and pack of like 5 plugins I believe....theres a chorus, saturation plug....and some others ...

analogflux right?
ieko that sounds like a really fucking cool idea man. I'd be glad to contribute Mesa Dual Recto and JSX to the matter, through an oversized Mesa 4x12 and SM57 into Focusrite RED pre. Mesa with all Mesa tubes, JSX with EH's. :D

elephant-audio said:
JSX with EH's.

Ah, I had been meaning to ask what yours shipped with. I bought mine used and finally got around to taking a peek inside last night:

four EH EL34s
two EH 12AX7s
one Sovtek 12AX7-LPS

all built late summer 2004
Phase said:
BTW..the last time someone let me hear some clips that were so perfectly voiced I found out he use an eq matching program. What a Cheater...haha
Hi Phase,

I generally concur. I assure you that I didn't use EQ matching. I took the sample, and then immediately recorded the DI and Mic sample at the same time trying to ensure the exact same environment.

These things are like Reverb Impulses... if someone can find just one that'll work, then good. Also, working within the context of the song is paramount.

cameltoe said:
I have used your cobra impulses and there are great man....good job!!!

Ill post a clip of my 5150 fx out thru the impulses....sounds good to my ears....
Cool... can't wait. :Smokin:
Phase said:
I think what you are hearing is a dissatifaction with using *other people's impulses.

That's exactly what I've been thinking as well. It only dawned on me when I listened to that A/B comparison of Keiffers', lol. I couldn't tell you which was which for shit. *BING*.

The only impulses that kind of got me in the ballpark of my tone were Splatt's and mostly because he was modeling the same cab/mic a me. I'm sure if I were to make impulses of my cab/mic/room I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the impulse/mic'ing.

Either way, thanks for these Keiffer!
CJWall said:
That's exactly what I've been thinking as well. It only dawned on me when I listened to that A/B comparison of Keiffers', lol. I couldn't tell you which was which for shit. *BING*.

The only impulses that kind of got me in the ballpark of my tone were Splatt's and mostly because he was modeling the same cab/mic a me. I'm sure if I were to make impulses of my cab/mic/room I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the impulse/mic'ing.

Either way, thanks for these Keiffer!

Keiffer said:
I have suspicions that some have tried Impulses that basically don't sound like their cab and were not mic'd similarly to the way they mic and so the Impulse gets blamed. I can hear it... that sucks, I can't even EQ it and make it right.
yeah, I think that's pretty much the line of thinking. Probably leave this for several months and approach it again with a different project and the perspective may change.

It's just another tool that may come in handy...

Yes yes

This is why modelers have a real problem

Because of limited processing power and just being practical they try and create "global cab and mics" that can be used on **all their heads.

I have long believed the only way to satisfy everyone is actually shoot ideal cabs and mic postions that are ONLY for 1 particular head. Those captures would be locked to the modeled head.

This would mean you would shoot positions from the actual head requiring literally hundreds of impulses. latency would be an issue so it would have to be setup with careful thought but it would result in more realistic sounds and most importantly would remove user error. The mad tweaking of mixing global cabs and shaping with eq would be greatly reduced.

We all know very well that even a great head and great cab can sound just horrible because the head is not voiced for that cab. Even the intended cab needs the correct mic position to sound smooth

Hydrotone EQ from Tritone digital had a similiar concept in which convolution snapshots are able to be changed in realtime. When modeling companies adopt this matrix its going to get scary. Cab thuds, mic overloading, and the other little details that make sounds authentic will always separate modeling from real...but in the mix it should be much closer.

BTW Keiffer..I think you did a fantastic job and the way you went about capturing is obviously spot on