Amiga Enthusiast
Oh, and also, when blending your snare samples in, do you blend only with the top or bottom mic of the snare, or both?
Also ahjteam, might wanna change that last bit about "Andy played guitar in a band called Sabbat" that's past tense, unless I'm very much mistaken Sabbat is still playing shows, and Andy does still play guitar for them.
You mentioned reamping the bass DI. Do you still use the real amp mainly for grit, or the broadband bass tone? Cheers.
What's your favorite Mic-Pre these days? Still the Spider?
Is your Mesa Oversize Cab still a Slant?lol: Marcus)
Thank you Andy for your answers, I compiled them to the first post. I would still like to ask from the acoustic guitar micing... Can you be a little more specific on the micing? Do you use a large or small diaphram mic and how far do you have it and where do you aim it?
And then another questions: How much do you use delay and reverb, what kind and where do you apply it on (drums, snare, vocals...)? Do you rather mic up a room or do you use digital reverb instead?
Hey andy, what do you think about the loudness war?
Sometimes I´m realy gettin headaches of listening to newer productions ( like "the ghost inside" , "throwdown" , "all shall perish"...)
this records are all mixed great, but the mastering sometimes destroy all the energy in my opinion.
When you are mastering projects, do you try to get the "industry standard loudness wise" or you just try to let the mastering fit the different styles of the music.
for example:
all shall perish doesnt need dynamcs so lets make this real hot
and 36 crazyfists is a dynamic band, so try to archive this through the mastering process?
I´m realy looking forward to a Pro-opinion.
In your opinion, every professional metal drummer must play to a click??? Why?
(sorry, i don't know if Andy already answer that in a past thread)
Thing is about the oversize cab, correct me if I'm wrong but dont the bottom cabs slant up on the top 2 speakers too?
I updated the first post.
edit: Also an additional question: What brand DI-boxes and reamp-boxes do you use? And do you prefer single, dual or quadtracking on rhythm guitars?
My quick question if Andy has time, is mainly about the snare.
My quick question if Andy has time, is mainly about the snare. I can never get a pop as per on an album like Godless Endeavour, and even more importantly for me, the reverb matter. I read a recent post about it being a medium room reverb rather than a plate, so just wondering what sort of settings & plugins/hardwares to get in the ball park really.
KSE's the End of Heartache,
This one's had me scratching my head for a while.
What was the main contributing factor to the distinct (but fuckin awesome) pick attack sound on Shadows are Security (the "wunk" instead of "chunk" type thing that i love so much haha)? Was it the playing, maxon, krank, magic?
Also, How do mix drums? ¯(°_o)/¯