Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

-ever tried to run your EMG at 18V?

-do you sometimes blend amps for the same DI? as in "re-reamping through another amp and blending in" I mean.

-do you process top- and bottom-snare tracks individually (like compressing and gating the bottom snare before sending to a bus) or do you just bus them to the same group and treat them at the same time?

+1 to all these!
Andy, if you're ever gonna be in Chicago send me a PM. Drinks on me, anything you want. I'd love to just shoot the shit with you sometime :kickass:
Thank you Andy!!:kickass:

-on your 2bus comp (formerly C2 now Waves SSL I think?) are you going for very low ratio and a bit more reduction or medium-high ratio and less reduction?
or completely different?--....

-ever tried to run your EMG at 18V?

-how often do you NOT use a TS in front of the amp? (if so got an example of one of your recordings?)

-do you sometimes blend amps for the same DI? as in "re-reamping through another amp and blending in" I mean.

-do you process top- and bottom-snare tracks individually (like compressing and gating the bottom snare before sending to a bus) or do you just bus them to the same group and treat them at the same time?
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Also when you record guitars do you prefer one amp per track or more than one?
im gonna +1 all of lasse's questions; and just ask about how you approach micing/eqing snare especially.
the one bit of the kit that i still fight with.
i know inevitably a great drum, drummer and room are all handy (eliminate the gearslutz answers mwhahahah) but what else do ya do before reaching for the samples?
Thank you Lasse, I saw this picture on and I came to that conclusion too, but he did use the pingpong paddle looking mic (sennheiser e906 or whatever revision it is) on the smallest tom and some weird looking mic on a super weird angle on the snare... I also reorganized the answer on the first post a bit better by topic.
Thank you Lasse, I saw this picture on and I came to that conclusion too, but he did use the pingpong paddle looking mic (sennheiser e906 or whatever revision it is) on the smallest tom and some weird looking mic on a super weird angle on the snare... I also reorganized the answer on the first post a bit better by topic.

yeah, he's actually answered that question somewhen..can't find the post now.
also he said he liked ambasador on bottom and emperor on batter sides of toms I think
This one's had me scratching my head for a while.

What was the main contributing factor to the distinct (but fuckin awesome) pick attack sound on Shadows are Security (the "wunk" instead of "chunk" type thing that i love so much haha)? Was it the playing, maxon, krank, magic?

Also, How do mix drums? ¯(°_o)/¯

they used a gibson les paul mainly for that, with stock pickups that just reamped through the krank really well. I always say 80% of the tone is in the players hands and I really think it was down to the way he digs in.
Oh yeah, one that I've always been wondering: Do you have an assistant engineer (or an assistant in general)?

And some additional drum related question:
- And who usually tunes the drums? The assistant or a drum technician, or do you personally tune the drums, or do you let the drummers do that themselves?
- And how do you prefer to tune the drums? batter head lower or higher than the resonant head on kick/snare/tom?
- What mics do you usually mic the toms with?
- What drumheads do you prefer? I remember that you mentioned them in some Trivium related thread (in which I think you said that what Suecof insisted, sucked), but I couldn't find the thread...
- Do you use inserts or any extra processing (like eq or compressors...) in anything when you track stuff?

how many questions!!!
Assistant engineer,? I've been working with doug cooke abit recently, who I worked with on the cradle album , but mainly its just me, slaving away.
Doug's a good lad, knows the studio rules...ehem cough!

I always tunes the drums.

I've actually just used 57's on the toms on the new megadeth and mic'd the bottoms with 98's and its worked really well. The amount of engineers I know who turn their noses up at 57's because they don't cost $300 a piece but I love them, they just seem to work for me. I think it was Dave Jerden (correct me if I'm wrong) that said he could do a whole album with 57's and I don't disagree.

yeah I told suecof not to use ambassadors on the toms, so what did he go and do.....put it this way, he didn't get up and walk! Jasons a good guy though, we have a good laugh about things and he was learning alot back then.

No I dont usually use inserts except for vox , where I'll compress going in.