Come Look at this Greg, Toby, Josh, and Sam

you guys need to understand that the only motw live reviews that ever show up online are the ones of performances where we had no opportunity to rehearse, for example that first MMF was like our second gig ever, we weren't even a real band, and it was summertime and everyone lived in a different state? and the progwest thing was that we hadn't played together in 6 months and they promised us a rehearsal space for the day preceding the gig, but when we arrived in CA the Progwest guys were like, "oh by the way we don't have a rehersal space for you" + josh was quite literally almost dead and nick had only one hand + a whole bunch of other stuff.

conversely, in the days when we all lived in the same town and had a rehearsal space and everything, byron and i got jumped and beaten immediately preceding a gig in boston, while sam drove 5+ hours back from his grandma's funeral, and we all played the show with real hep-C infected blood streaming down our faces and we were amazing. i think that was like only our 12th - and second to last - show ever.

ok ok josh


that boston show was so good!!

maybe we sholud have told the progwest crowd what was up that night (although other than the long tuning breaks I think that set was awesome)
That Satan Stole My Teddybear review was written by Rog the Frog. He hates 99.99% of music. Not just like a mild hate, but full on vitriol spewing virulent fucking massacre them all hate.

He hates pretty much everything I like.

I wouldn't take his review that seriously. Not that you did, per se, but well, just a bit of useless information.