
New Metal Member
Jan 29, 2014
Hey Theocracy :) hopefully you see this.

Could you guys please consider coming to Phoenix, AZ? There are so many fans here especially me and my older brother. He's like your biggest fan ever and it would be so cool if you guys could come down here this year :) or whenever.

You guys are great. Never stop making music.
Well, I mostly get sad when I see these posts. I live in a tiny country where no interesting artist ever comes if you don't arrange it very specified, and it's a huge distance to get to America where Theocracy seems to play quite a lot.
But anyway I hope for you they come ;)
OP, it's not up the band. If there is a promoter in Arizona willing to book them, they'd come. Find them a promoter or a festival willing to hire them and I'm sure they'd try to make it happen!

LMB, actually, it is easier for Theocracy to play Europe than America (aside from Atlanta, which they live near). What country are you in?
LMB, actually, it is easier for Theocracy to play Europe than America (aside from Atlanta, which they live near). What country are you in?

I'm from Belgium, that little country above France, left to Germany and underneath the Netherlands. Maybe you've heard of us before, we speak 3 different languages and we like waffles ( ah, stereotypes..)
I'd say you probably have a much better chance to see the band than most Americans! You could catch them in Germany with maybe a 2-4 hour drive or so? Every time they do a European tour I curse the fact that I don't live in Europe :waah: The closest they've ever played to me is 7 hours away - and I live in the middle of the US.

I'd love to get to Belgium someday. The closest I've ever been is Dusseldorf.
I'd say you probably have a much better chance to see the band than most Americans! You could catch them in Germany with maybe a 2-4 hour drive or so? Every time they do a European tour I curse the fact that I don't live in Europe :waah: The closest they've ever played to me is 7 hours away - and I live in the middle of the US.

I'd love to get to Belgium someday. The closest I've ever been is Dusseldorf.

Well, about the distance to Germany I'm indeed quite lucky. ( To be honest, I'd only need to drive about 80 minutes to get to Dusseldorf, so yeah... ^^ )
I'd love to once go to the US, but that's one huge ocean to cross :p
If you ever plan on going to Belgium, you could always contact me, I'm pretty sure I could give some tips about nice places to visit.
Anyway, I guess I should keep track of their tours in Europe ( the closest I remember them being was in the North of the Netherlands, still about 5 hours driving away ).
I was actually just in Phoenix a couple times last week—both times in order to switch flights. Vacationed in Flagstaff. It's a beautiful state, and I would've loved for Theocracy to play there... while I was there. :P

I'm still waiting for them to come to Chicago someday. I'd prefer closer, but they're probably not getting any gigs any closer to where I live. I kind of live in the middle of nowhere.

When you think of Illinois, you usually think of Chicago. The state is far larger than that in actuality, and most of the rest of it wants to disown Chicago. :P