come to Church

I'm glad it went so well! May God continue to use you to spread the message, even within your own church. I'll also be praying for your Pastor and for the strength of your church through it all.

Thanks Compa* These words are very valued!!!, as well as your prayers!!!
maybe I will Translate some of the material I used the past Sunday to share with you, It is not a great study, but It may be help in some way...

*Compa is a word that some of us use in Costa Rica for friends (the full word is Compañero wich means Companion)
Yo, I'll be apart of it! It sounds epic. XD

One thing that I could use pray for, I'm 17 and I started this Bible Study at my place for my friends to come and talk about whatever topic I have set up. I need pray that God would give me the words to say and that He would send more people. I have had to cancel meetings because shows up. Now we (my friends and I) are all homeschooled so we are all very busy, but I have put in a lot of time to study and it makes me upset some times to hear that no one is coming.
Yo, I'll be apart of it! It sounds epic. XD

One thing that I could use pray for, I'm 17 and I started this Bible Study at my place for my friends to come and talk about whatever topic I have set up. I need pray that God would give me the words to say and that He would send more people. I have had to cancel meetings because shows up. Now we (my friends and I) are all homeschooled so we are all very busy, but I have put in a lot of time to study and it makes me upset some times to hear that no one is coming.

Welcome In!!! Jammindan, your Pray Request has been taken!! and yes we normally try as hard as we can to get all prepared and some people don´t show or just a few ones show, but don´t worry to much, God knows your effort, beside you get time to study His Word, that is a Big Thing!!!!, here I found a link to get good material to study alone or in Group check it out:
there are English, Spanish, French , German, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Swahili, and some others it is Basic and easy to use, all are in PDF, fell free to us it as you wish!
Yo, I'll be apart of it! It sounds epic. XD

One thing that I could use pray for, I'm 17 and I started this Bible Study at my place for my friends to come and talk about whatever topic I have set up. I need pray that God would give me the words to say and that He would send more people. I have had to cancel meetings because shows up. Now we (my friends and I) are all homeschooled so we are all very busy, but I have put in a lot of time to study and it makes me upset some times to hear that no one is coming.

People have free will. They may come but they don't have to. You have free will as well. You may take it or not.

Maybe you could try something else to hold their interest. For example, if I would study 8 hours a day, I would not want to study anymore in my free time. Probably I would rather go to enjoy a Theocracy show or something like that. ;)
Hi Brothers (and Sisters?)!

"Haggai 1:8
But first, go to the hills and get wood for my temple, so I can take pride in it and be worshiped there.
Our Temple, for today are our bodies ( 1 Co 3:16 ) so we have to be rebuilt our own temple so God can take Pride in and be worshiped in me,..."

Adding to metalgrounds' :

1 Corinthians 14:4 (Amplified) "He who speaks in a [strange] tongue edifies and improves himself, but he who prophesies [[c]interpreting the divine will and purpose and teaching with inspiration] edifies and improves the church and promotes growth [in Christian wisdom, piety, holiness, and happiness]."

Interlinear bible:

The word 'edifies' or 'builds up' (in NKJV) is 'oikodomei' in the original Greek (the New Testament was written in Greek). The word 'oikodomeo' means:

oikodoméō (from 3624 /oíkos, "a house" and domeō, "to build") – properly, to build a house (home, edifice); (figuratively) to edify – literally, "build someone up," helping them to stand (be strong, "sturdy").

So, praying in tongues fits perfectly in 'temple-building' :grin: But of course, reading and studying the bible is very important as well, "For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth." Eating also means building/maintaining our body in biological terms, hence if reading God's word is likened to eating bread, it also fits perfectly to that verse in Haggai :D:D

Since we are in this topic, does anyone of you speak in tongues? Would you mind sharing your experiences, such as how was the first time you spoke in tongues?
Well I have never spoke in tongues (just in english or french but this is not the kind of tongues you are asking here...) but I don´t know why even if may first tongue is Spanish, sometimes in middle of a spanish prayer I start praying in English and suddenly I feel different, kind of more "comunicative" with God.
But speaking in tongues I had never had the experience, I think that this is not on my Gifts from God
I've never spoken in tongues, but I do believe my friends who went to Indonesia last summer had a few experiences like that...

Anyways, I have a prayer request and a thanks!

So, I'm a competitive horse back rider, and I have my second show (first one that's not local) on June 26th. Please pray that my horse and I can do our absolute best and that we can be an example for God and somehow bring glory to Him.

And my thanks is that God has protected me through everything I've done in my riding career. I've only had two actual falls, even though I do some pretty crazy things, and the only one that was pretty major was actually just this past Monday. I had to fall/bail off a galloping horse and by the grace of God, I came out with only a scraped chin, a pretty bruised hip, and an internally damaged helmet. There's not even a scratch or dent on the helmet, and I slid/rolled a foot after I hit the ground. This is definitely a big thanks! :)
PraetentusAnemos - I praise God for your protection, and pray that He may be glorified in your riding. One of Australia's great jockeys, Darren Beadman, gave up riding to serve God. It was an amazing witness, and after a while, God gave him back his riding. I'm not saying you have to do the same, just that it's great to see God glorified in horse racing!

I want to thank God for His provision. I've been stuffed around by a bank lately, but things seem to be working out. I really could use an income, so I'm praying for a job to fit in with my university studies. I would also appreciate support for one of my cats, Lucinda, who seems to be having some digestive difficulty. I'm praying for her comfort and healing, by God's grace.

As far speaking in tongues goes, I've been zapped, as if by fire or electricity, while praying. The first time was so amazing, and people later told me that I'd been baptised in the Holy Spirit and should therefore speak in tongues. But I don't. If there's a problem with me - something preventing me from speaking in tongues - I pray that God will break through it. He can do anything, and give any gift to any of His children. He's certainly given me plenty of other gifts to get on with...

PraetentusAnemos, that´s the God´s hand by your side!!!! and we will keep praying for that show on june 26th
and Aish! your Job and Lucinda´s Health are being presented on the Altar of Bronze, and in my "Praying file" now that God does his wise will!!
as an update, do you remember about my pastor who was sick, he´s name is Oscar and we where worried because we didn´t knew his illness but thanks God after many health examinations this past monday-tuesday the doctors found some ernias in the vertebraes of the neck, this can be treated with surgery so now the prayers can on that direction, the thing is that we don´t know yet the date of the surgery plus the recovery so we (the leadders at the Church) have to take care the preaching and the different activities thru that time, The prayer request goes bigger...
But May God be Praised all in all! Rom 8:28!!!
and thanks to you all for the bended knee!
Thanks metalgrounds and everyone else that's praying for me and my little girl.
Good to hear the update on Pastor Oscar - we can pray more specifically now.
And will continue to uphold you and the other leaders taking care of everything.
Thanks to all of you who were praying about my show today! It was extremely hot, especially since I was riding for an hour and a half, but we did the best we could and rode for the Glory of God. We got pretty good scores and once again, God protected both of us. Neither the horse or I had any major problems, even though she was a bit afraid of the fountain at first...

It was really interesting though. I was in church yesterday (my parents are Seventh-Day Adventist, so we go to church on Saturdays as a family, but I prefer no denomination-claiming stuff) and our part-time pastor was actually preaching on the Glory of God.

Also, I realized something yesterday. The registered name of the horse I ride is HRH Breezy Lass. HRH stands for her owner's daughter's initials (the daughter was her first real rider once she came off the track), but it's also a common abbreviation for Arabians (which is her breed) bred by royalty in the Middle East, meaning Her Royal Highness or His Royal Highness. So I was thinking, what if the HRH was actually His Royal Highness, but instead of the royalty of the Middle East, it would be the King of the Universe, also known as God. How cool is that?! (I really hope that makes sense... If not, just tell me and I'll try to clarify!)

I've been keeping you all in my prayers, and I already have a special spot in my mind for this little metal church.
I also wanna be part of this international metal church.
Most of the time I'm lazy and I procrastinate reading the Bible, but after seeing that there aew people that serve and praise God and also listen to good music (that is also something that praises God), I feel like strengthened to do whatever I can to get closer to Him.
I'll pray for all of you, and I want to ask you guys to pray for me as well, because I'm doing not so good at my studies in university (I know it's my fault, but I wanna change that) and maybe I could take a job, because I don't wanna rely on my parents forever. I'm just 19, but I wanna have my own money (I think any young person would like to be independent), so I ask you to pray for me, because I want to know God's will for my life.
I could also tell here lots and lots of reasons to thank God, but it would take very, very long. God is and always was very merciful to me, even when I was weak, even when I was discouraged, He still conserves me alive, healthy, and gives me a new opportunity to do the things right, so I want to thank Him and make my life something that glorifies Him, although I don't know exactly how.

That's it, brothers, at least for now. God bless us all until the day Jesus comes back to bring us to the Heavens.
It´s Good to hear that God was with you and your horse this past Sunday!!! (Guys, Another Prayer request answered!!!)
as for the HRH name, picture this: you where riding on HRH (God) back! if our life were like "we riding on Jesus" for every moment in our life, sad or happy, feeling the freedom to live this life not by it´s standard but just "we riding on Jesus" that will be awsome!!! what do you think?

Adriel Trigger:
Welcome Brother!!!! as far as Brazil goes our Big Welcome!!!!! on other matters, Laziness can be a real heavy chain on our christian life, fight (as a fast Metal Drummer!!!!!) to leave behind the Lazy and as you said: do whatever I can to get closer to Him! also remember what Peter said in 1 P 5:8. beside related with this are the studies in university (Laziness) take the Priorities on your life (but over all God goes first) and hit it hard!!!! being a good christian goes more than just go to church, a real christian tryes it´s best on every aspect of his life (as Theocracy with his albums!!! they do their best) remember Col 3:22-24.

Let´s keep the praying hard!!! it does work!!!
I love the new Metal Church logo - well done!!

Adriel Trigger:
Welcome from me too!! I tried university a long time ago, wasted 3 years of my life and didn't honour God at all with some very bad results. Now I'm a bit older, trying university again and really glorifying Him with my hard work and excellent results!! That I don't live with my parents any more is a major factor in the turnaround. Anyway, we're definitely praying for your studies and work (I need a job too) and God's guidance for your life.
Thank you a lot, Aish, and all of you brothers. Your words seems to reinvigorate me, what means that God is with all of us, without any doubt. I'm happy for being part of this church, and I'm sure our Father is also loving to see his children gathering here and praying for each other and praising and glorifying His name. I'm trying to read the Bible more often already and I'll really try to strengthen my efforts in my studies. I know that God did put me there for something that's not unimportant and now I think I woke up and must fullfil my duty as a son of our Father and Heavens embassador (each one of us is both of them, but I don't remember where in the Bible it's said ^^"). That's it, thanks for everything, brothers!

How's your Pastor doing? Did he go to surgery already? I'm praying for him, and for you and your church.
Hail Bros!!!! may God make shine his face upon you all

Glad you like the logo AISH if you want one I can sent you one, and not only to you, if any other want one let me know!!!!!

That´s the Idea Adriel Trigger keep figthing the ggod figth!!! in this case is your life and what God want´s you to do as his Embassador (2 Co 5:20)!!!

As for my pastor... things are slowing, here in Costa Rica we have a very good Social Security but, it is with many people in so the appointments for tests and surgeries are delayed many times, my pastor went for a second opinion and this other doctor said that it is not need any surgery but he want´s to run some test to be sure so it ´s gonna take some time, now this goes to my matters, today Wednesday we, the Elders (let´s call it like that to put a name we are 5 men) are goin to have a meeting to get the plans regarding the church non of us has a formal theological studies must of us are regular guys but the Pastor wants that one of us take the step fordward as co-pastor to take care of the pastoral duties as part time and he recommends me to take that charge... (I kind of feel like Joshua!!!!) if I get the charge I will REALLY goin to need your prayers!!!!! I will let you know what will happen!!!

In the mean time...1 P 1:3
Greetings and blessings!!!