Comic Book Dorks Unite!

the Spiderman comic seems to be going back and forth
(i'm talking about Earth 616, cuz i haven't read Ultimate Spiderman since all the superpowered survivors of the Ultimatum Wave go together and moved into Aunt May's house)

sometimes 616 Spiderman seems geared toward adults, but then they keep doing these stupid publicity stunts to "attract new readers" which, in the Spiderman comic, is totally unneccassarry because, the 616 Spiderman has always been the best selling title (or at least a close runner-up) out of all the Marvel titles

Spiderman getting unmasked in front of CNN cameras would have been totally fucking awesome if it had been some supervillian ripping off spiderman's mask, but Spiderman himself un-masking himself at a motherfucking press conference looked weird-as-hell

for some people the world-wide-mind-wipe looked like a total deux-ex-machina (spell??) but i liked it because it fixed the whole "everyone knows Spiderman is Peter Parker" thing, (which i believe should have been short-term anyway) and it created interesting stories where
Spiderman had to re-un-mask himself for the Fantastic Four and the Avengers and Daredevil decided that he didn't want to re-learn spiderman's secret identity and the mind-wipe thing created a several situations where people thought Peter Parker was working with/working for Spiderman
and the story where Kraven's Daughter thought Peter Parker's roomate was Spiderman where he had to borrow Daredevil's costume in order to rescue his kidnapped roommate and retrieve his Spiderman costume

but, the Spiderman title has also done some other dumb-ass shit recently
the whole "loosing his Spider-Sense" thing didn't make sense, because he would need his his spider-sense to web-sling without horredously injuring himself,

and the whole Doc Ock entering Spiderman's body should have been done as an 8-part story, where doc ock enters peter's body in an issue labeled "part 1 of 8" and then peter gets his body back in an issue called "part 8 of 8"
Peter unmasking on live television was one of the dumbest things to come out of Civil War. Also, even though the stories have been good, getting rid of his marriage with Mary Jane should not have happened.
I'll hunt down some Spiderman trades and give it a shot. I've never been the biggest fan but if it's good, I'll read it.
Peter unmasking on live television was one of the dumbest things to come out of Civil War. Also, even though the stories have been good, getting rid of his marriage with Mary Jane should not have happened.
like i said, a villian un-masking Spiderman in front of a CNN camera could have been totally fucking bad-ass, but Peter un-masking himself was just a total What-The-F-ing hell just happened?!?! kinda moment
I'll hunt down some Spiderman trades and give it a shot. I've never been the biggest fan but if it's good, I'll read it.
reading the collected-story-arcs is prolly better than trying to keep up with a twice-monthly comic
If you don't care for 616 Spider-Man, give Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man a try, I enjoyed his run.
Ultimate Spiderman was really bad-ass but only up untill the Ultimatum Wave, then suddenly the Ultimate Spiderman comic turned to shit

I really wanted to get into that series, but I can not stand Mark Bagley's artwork.

i personnally love Mark Bagley's art work, to me at least, Bagley's work is a million times better than the artist that took over when Bagley left

His DD run was legendary. One of my favorite comic runs ever.

Thanks for the recommendation. I liked Bendis' work with Daredevil a few years ago.

which story-arc(s) are you 2 refering to??
i loved the Frank Miller's runs on Daredevil,
i was reading the Daredevil comic when the FBI arrested Matt for being Daredevil, and then Iron Fist running around in the Daredevil suit, but i kinda stopped reading the Daredevil comic when the FBI released Matt
Bendis' run was issues 26 through 81 of volume 2 of Daredevil.

:lol: @ myself
i'm a dumb-ass
i did actually read Bendis's run on Daredevil, i just wasn't keeping track of which writers were writing which Daredevil story-arcs
I just got the Age of Apocalypse Omnibus in from Amazon. I am so excited to read it. I feel like I'm in middle school again.
I remember the old Death in the Family run, where they killed off the second Robin. Despite the hype, it wasn't that good, though we did (eventually) get the Red Hood out of it.

I agree with Death in the Family being overhyped. I think this new arc is different. It is the return of the Joker. I haven't read any of the re-launched books but this is supposed to be all-time classic material.
Has anyone read the Death of the Family arc of Batman? I hear it's all kinds of epic.

it was good, but not great. I kinda ended with a bit of a fizzle rather than a bang. But Scott Snyder is still one of the best writers around. But if you have not read any of his run yet, I would recommend the Black Mirror and Court of Owl story lines first. Both are available in trade paperback.
His DD run was legendary. One of my favorite comic runs ever.

I know I am in the minority on this, but I hated Bendis' run. I have been a DD fan from the Frank Miller days. Bendis' run basically just reproduced Miller's tone, without any of the grandiose moments. Grinding Matt Murdock down psychologically was so played out by the time Bendis continued to do it. Plus it features Bendis' trademark heavy dialogue that overshadows both plot and pacing. I would recommend Miller's original run (not a bold statement), Miller's Man without Fear miniseries, Noccenti's run and Kevin Smith's run way before Bendis'.
I know I am in the minority on this, but I hated Bendis' run. I have been a DD fan from the Frank Miller days. Bendis' run basically just reproduced Miller's tone, without any of the grandiose moments. Grinding Matt Murdock down psychologically was so played out by the time Bendis continued to do it. Plus it features Bendis' trademark heavy dialogue that overshadows both plot and pacing. I would recommend Miller's original run (not a bold statement), Miller's Man without Fear miniseries, Noccenti's run and Kevin Smith's run way before Bendis'.

I really wasn't a Daredevil fan, so Bendis' run seemed fresh to me. I'll check out Miller's work and compare it.
I know I am in the minority on this, but I hated Bendis' run. I have been a DD fan from the Frank Miller days. Bendis' run basically just reproduced Miller's tone, without any of the grandiose moments. Grinding Matt Murdock down psychologically was so played out by the time Bendis continued to do it. Plus it features Bendis' trademark heavy dialogue that overshadows both plot and pacing. I would recommend Miller's original run (not a bold statement), Miller's Man without Fear miniseries, Noccenti's run and Kevin Smith's run way before Bendis'.

Miller's work is classic, and Nocenti's is very underrated. Still, for me Bendis and later Brubaker have delivered the definitive DD runs.

Edit - OK, Born Again is the best DD storyline ever, but Bendis had a better long-term run.
i know i'm in the minority here but i honestly somehow didn't actually like "born again"

i really really loved the Miller's other run on DD
especially all the Miller-written-moments where Punisher-&-Daredevil interact, those issues were all classic

and of course all of Miller's Batman work
I know I am in the minority on this, but I hated Bendis' run. I have been a DD fan from the Frank Miller days. Bendis' run basically just reproduced Miller's tone, without any of the grandiose moments. Grinding Matt Murdock down psychologically was so played out by the time Bendis continued to do it.
i agree with this^^^

Plus it features Bendis' trademark heavy dialogue that overshadows both plot and pacing.
Bendis's trademark diologue style seemed to work really well for Ultimate Spiderman
I would recommend Miller's original run (not a bold statement), Miller's Man without Fear miniseries, Noccenti's run and Kevin Smith's run way before Bendis'.

yeah, this^, except that, me personnally, i actually enjoyed the miller-written punisher-interacting-with-Daredevil stories more than the whole "born again" story-arc