Comic Book Dorks Unite!

I read the first Saga trade yesterday. It's weird as hell and totally enjoyable, which is about what I expect from Vaughn. This will be a fun series to follow now that Ex Machina and Y: The Last Man have ended.
i'm still waiting for Marvel to stop being Dumb-Asses and finnally get around to having Peter Parker being in control over his own body again

i would have totally been on-board with the whole "villian takes over Spiderman's body" thing if they'd done it as a mini-series

you know like "part 1 of 8" shows Doc Ock taking over Spiderman's body, then "part 8 of 8" shows Peter Getting his body back, then the next 8 or so issues we see Peter having to deal with the aftermath of Doc Ock acting weird while in Spiderman's body

that would have been the greatest Spiderman Story-arc EVER

what i'm having a problem with is the way they're trying to make "doc ock in spiderman's body" a quasi-permanent-thing, which is just totally stupid and alienating the fans
I just finished Batman:The Black Mirror. It is one of the better Batman arcs I've read. I really think that Scott Snyder is on fire right now. Death of the Family can't get to trade format soon enough.
actually finnally got around to reading the first 2 issues of Superior Spiderman
it's actually written pretty good, especially considering that all my friends totally expected it to look like a cheezy episode of a cheezy 60's cartoon
Now, to be fair to Marvel, Marvel Now isn't a total rip-off of New 52, just a partial one.

Also, saw Iron Man 3 last night. I liked it alot, it was better than the 2nd and a good, fitting end to the Iron Man trilogy