computer repairs make me want to destroy the world


Much less calm than you
Sep 14, 2004
I brought my laptop into the repair shop on campus two weeks before school started to have it fixed. It took them a month to get it back to me and the problem wasn't fixed. When I took it back to them they looked at it again and realized "oh yeah, this is the problem, not the other thing." Why they didn't check every possibility the first time I don't know. They still have my computer. Every time they claim they are going to have it for me they something like "oh yeah its being a real bitch to me, come back (insert later time)" or "yeah, we found a new problem and we have to send off for another part, I don't really know when that will be in thought." This has happened at least five times now and as a result I haven't had a computer at all for the first half semester of school. Why can they not just finish my damn computer. I mean I know things take time but more than two months for a screen malfunction, come on!