Concerts - 2005

Malaclypse said:
like stuffing it up his own arse and fart the national anthem? (damn i hate that guy, seriously) :Spin:
awww come on, don't you just approve of his idiocy though. He's so funny. I've heard so many stories about him making a total tit out of himself, it's really not worth disliking him over it. I salute him, and hope he continues to be a moron until the day he dies.
Went to see Rellik, Premonition, Unsolemn, and Eden's Fall last weekend and should have pics of all the bands up hopefully this weekend.

Tomorrow night...GORGASM \m/
Lazy or not, I would have loved to have seen Amorphis live when Pasi was still around.

Might go to the Yesterday Was Everything festival on July 2nd. Most of the bands suck but I'd go just to see Misery Signals again.

And I have tickets for Sounds of the Underground.
IN FLAMES is coming to town next month with ARCH ENEMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Am I all in flames.Have not listened to the second one though.Any comments ?
archenemy is good live, full of energy

next concerts for me:

mid-July Hate Eternal, Krisiun, Incantation, Into Eternity and All Shall Perish, in Texas
July 21 Deicide
Aug 12 After Forever
I saw my friend perform gypsy jazz for about 2 and a half hours at a restaurant. It was pretty damn good. He asked me to record the show, so I did. That was 2 nights ago.
from the official ...

Evolution festival - important announcement -

"Those of you attending the Evolution festival in Italy on the 16th of July should note that we're onstage VERY early: 12:00-13:30. We were originally scheduled to play right before headliners Nightwish, but the fact that we're doing the Ilosaarirock festival in Finland the following day unfortunately means that moving the slot is the only solution (apart from cancelling one of the festivals, which naturally wasn't an option).

So - make sure to show up in time to make the first breakfast gig in D.T.'s history a special event!"
Sounds of the Underground tour

Where to start? How about at the top, La Rocque.
Lamb of God I've been writing praises for these guys from when I first arrived on the forum.
I believe they are the future of metal music and seeing them live makes me more sure of that. I can't put into words how impressed I am with them. So if You ever have the chance to see them live, do Yourself a favor and check them out.
only 2 of the 20 bands had the crowd chanting their names Lamb of God and
Opeth, Opeth, Opeth were so good, it was the first time I've ever seen them live. It just seemed to end so fast. They played a song from their next CD and if that was any indication of what's on it. yoweeeeeeee zoweeeeeeee. Got to meet the band so that was cool. I know guitars can look the same but the one Akerfeldt was playing looked exactly like the one Niklas received in Atlanta??? Maybe it was???
I had only seen one of these groups before, Strapping Young Lad.
The others I do not know much of their music, saying that I really liked
Clutch, Chimaira, Unearth. There were a couple bands that I thought to myself WTF is this???
Unearth got the best circle pit going that I ever saw. It was a sight to behold.
The mother of Chimaira's singer was there and it was her birthday and he got us all to wish her a happy fuckn' birthday.
Clutch got to get me some of their CDs. They were the best of the new to me.
Last but not least ... GWAR, I never laughed so much at anything in a long time. When they came out on the stage there was a Pope Benedict XVI who was leading a couple of the faithful who were in chains. Oderus freed the faithful from their chains and ripped open Benedict's chest and blood squirted out over the crowd. Even better later in the show was when they cut off the head of a George Bush and as he was thrashing around more blood all over the place. And then they played football with his head. It was a real laugh riot. Sort of lost in all of this is how good/tight is their musical skill.
Great show, about 12 hours of hard hitting music. Highly recommended. Long live rock.
There is no reason for this BUT a quote from Oderus Urungus
"The bible, there are some good stories and lots of killing but no fucking pictures" :lol:
I went to see a friend's band, Noctuary ( in North Hollywood. The opening bands were mostly high schoolers and mostly inexperienced in giving a good show. It was Noctuary's turn and my friend's equipment was having a Spinal Tap moment. Nonetheless, their performance was great and they stole the crowd. Here a few Snapshots from their show last night.
I'll be going to Sounds of the Underground on Thursday. Looks like I'll have to sit through alot of crap though.
i have been on a small festival this weekend, the bands someone might know are suidakra and maybe perzonal war. both did a good job, and a few of the others were nice as well. had a fun time.
Well, I didn't drown in some water puddle yesterday, despite the forces of nature trying their best to accomplish that, so I've returned to offer an opinion on the concerts I saw yesterday at Metaltown 2005. Vengeance is mine! etc.
By the way, I can never be objective about concerts when I like the bands.

The first couple of bands I didn't really pay that much attention to because I had not come there for them, but Enter the Hunt seemed kind of boring to me, though All Ends were alright.
And then it began pouring down.

Enter Tiamat. I <3 Tiamat. And even more so when they open with "Vote for love". All in all I think they did a very nice job, a shame they only got about 35 minutes. I was really pleased with their show though, and Johan Edlund looked like... Johan Edlund. I think it would be very hard to find a doppelganger for that man. I think that's why I had fully grown men around me shouting his name, as if they were little girls and he the member of a boyband. Oh the thrill when a guy standing just behind me called out his name and he looked over, waved and said "hi"... That man must have gone home happy.
'Twas also the first shift for a certain keyboardist, if my eyes didn't betray me :p
Here I began regretting not trying to smuggle my camera in (I know how I could've done it, too!), but I had not yet resorted to using my terrible phone camera. A shame, really.

And on to Dark Traquillity! As I stayed to watched the end of Tiamat, I came to the other stage a bit late so I couldn't get up front, which would've been fun. Having never seen DT live before, I was in for a great experience. They seemed genuinely thrilled to be there, and if Stanne is as energetic in every other show they play, it's a wonder the man doesn't burn out after every tour. They all really put on a good show and, like I said, seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot - and if they weren't, they should all go into acting. At any rate, at least their joy was very inspiring to me, and I bet to most of the people there who were getting thoroughly soaked by then. Oh, and as for the setlist, don't ask me. Can't remember. I just know that I enjoyed "My Negation" and "The wonders at your feet" very much.
Now, many a fanboy and fangirl will proclaim their musical heroes to be "gods". I wouldn't go so far, but I'd say that DT and perhaps Stanne in particular must be members of some secret cult with the power to control the weather, because it stopped raining during DT's gig. And for that, gentlemen of mystic powers, I will be eternally grateful.
Also, I was beginning to itch for my camera because few things are as photogenic as a man with good hair headbanging, and that certainly applies to DT. So I hauled out my phone and took this:

Next, Sentenced. They enter the stage to a funeral march, Ville Laihiala with a bottle of beer that never left his hand during the entire 60 minutes they played. I can't help but love Finns.
Seriously, I thought it was a good show and I was enjoying myself, but when it was over I overheard some people thinking it was boring, so different strokes for different folks, I guess. Again, I can't remember a setlist, but I do believe that Sentenced are members of the same cult as DT, since shortly after they played "The rain comes falling down" it started raining again. Thanks guys. It was a bit sad when it was over though and you realised that this was the last time you were ever going to see them live. I'm glad I got the chance.
As for a near-celebrity-experience, I almost caught the drumstick the drummer tossed to the crowd. I gripped it, but I lost my hold. Bugger.

After that came Apocalyptica. I missed the beginning because I had to eat something, but I saw most of the rest of their set. Very beautiful, sometimes heartbreakingly so. This may sound silly, but they really made the lighting work for them, just the right colours for the songs... some of the slower stuff nearly brought me to tears. Also, it's always fun watching guys headbang as they play the cello. Again, a camera moment...

It hadn't stopped raining since Sentenced made it start again, so I was soaked and tired and couldn't be bothered remaining at a concert very long, so I wandered around and caught glimpses of Hammerfall and Beseech. Both looked like they were doing their jobs well.

Finally, Rammstein. I hate the rain, by the way. If it hadn't been raining, I could've sat down somewhere and got some rest, and I wouldn't have been wet and freezing and tired and then I could've made an effort to get up front, which I imagine would've been a lot of fun. Because Rammstein are simply awesome live. They're so incredibly German and they like to play with fire, which is an irresistable combination.
So, instead of getting up front I was standing quite far back, so that I could just discern the men on stage (Till looks so manly *swoons* especially when he plays with flamethrowers and whatnot), and I was sipping tea while singing along to "Reise Reise" which they opened with. I only own two of their albums, yet I recognised pretty much every song they played. It was good fun, their show, I really enjoyed it.

These are actually giant flames, althought it's difficult to tell:

Different lighting

More fire

And as for near-celebrity-experience during Rammstein, I do believe it was Mikael Stanne, or someone who looks very much like him, I spotted leaving (or possibly moving further back) during "Keine lust", walking past me just a few metres away. 1337.
That also made me think. With DT being a very good and energetic live band, how good wouldn't they be with some of Rammstein's pyrotechnics? I'd say awesome. Imagine Stanne leaping between two giant flames as an entrance, for example. I know that stuff costs money, but I'm sure a sponsor could be found? Bofors, maybe? :p

Yeah, and it also rained. A lot.