Concerts - 2005

^Well the bands were impressive, every one of them. StS boys are also very funny and sweet and the afterparty at Hevimesta with the guys was somewhat drunken experience (again). :dopey: The evening was a success and arranged by Mökä and Hyrmy clubs.
sweden rock festival gigs of significance:
behemoth was beyond brilliant. if you get a chance - see them. damn underrated band, seems like their always in the shadow of vader.
morgana lefay and thyrfing lived up to my expectations and candlemass did a damn great show, although i hardly ever listen to them.

and on the "upcoming" front, the crüxshadows will be here in a couple of weeks. i just hope for a better setlist than last time.
thanx for the short review :) awww I so would love to see candlemass really, I hope I can make it this year.... and glad to hear that morgana lefay did a great job once again!
hm I will go to see yngwie malmsteen tomorrow but really dunno what to expect at all
hm the last time I saw amorphis (summer 03) they were sooo terrible, I really liked their old stuff but I couldnt even recognize their songs live, I hope they have another singer inbetween, I stopped to care after that horrible performance :(
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Amorphis playing live has almost everytime been a disappointment to me. The vocalist seems very lazy.

True, he always sets his foot on a speaker and just stands there :lol:

EDIT: I've seen bootlegs of Ajattara too and the same thing happens except he plays guitar in addition, it's pretty funny
Well Pasi is an old man :p

The new guy Tomi... Wow! We were very positively surprised by him! I wasn't expecting him to be any good at all, but he turned out to be quite good. His clean vocals sounded a lot like Pasi's, but his growls were probably even better. I agree with MorbidEnemy though, he didn't really know how to move onstage. He was trying too hard, it didn't look natural. It was a very good gig anyway!
Back. For a little while.

Yeah, so Ticketbastard decided to be nice for once. Let me know that the world was coming to an end. I.E., both Therion and Apocalyptica will be touring, hitting NYC, and within about 3 days of each other. Just when school is starting, but fuck that - this is incredible news [to me].

I just want to know how the fuck Therion plans on fitting anything inside BBKing's.

DragonLady1 said:
ooooh yngwie is a guitar god, what a hell of a gig, didnt knew that u can do so many crazy things with a guitar, wow!

like stuffing it up his own arse and fart the national anthem? (damn i hate that guy, seriously) :Spin:

edit: :wave: @ kov