eaeolian said:
It's been rumored for a while, so it will be nice to finally have a Hellraiser 7 with the Floyd available. Even better that they're putting Jeff's name on it.

Yeah.. I e-mailed them a while ago and they said "The topic has been tossed around.. but Jeff Loomis of Nevermore is the ONLY person that plays on them, period. So we don't what the demand will be." So I guess they figured the demand is high enough finally.
Just FYI, I talked to Jeff at the show, and I can basically guarantee you that his new guitar will NOT have a Floyd.

He told me a couple of his other ideas, but to respect the guy, I wont say anything else he told me about the guitar... he only has like 2 weeks to decide on everything, so who knows, it might change a little from what he told me, but you can place bets that it'll be a fixed bridge.