Controversial opinions on metal

Faggots defined it. As someone who grew up listening to metal in the 90's i can tell you the term "metalcore" was not used back then. I think its even funnier that people are trying to use the term to lump in thrash and hardcore bands from the 80's
Of course not, it was pretty much made up by the guitarist of Shai Hulud in the late 90's and only really caught on due to journalistic use in the 00's, and because of bands I just called mallcore he stopped describing his band and similar bands as metalcore and denounced the entire subgenre lmao. Faggots took all the great and diverse metallic hardcore from the late 80's and 90's and solidified it under a bastardized version of a subgenre a great metalcore guitarist practically invented to help describe what was going on.

I hope they all die of ball cancer.
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All im saying is metallic hardcore/heavy hardcore(which is what those bands terasope a listed, inclduing Shai, where called in the90's) are not metalcore and the subgenre was not "invented" by them. Metalcore are the bands that we just both referred to as faggots.

and btw Shai Hulud used the term for the fist time in the early 2000's if i am not mistaken, not the 90's.
All im saying is metallic hardcore/heavy hardcore(which is what those bands terasope a listed, inclduing Shai, where called in the90's) are not metalcore. Metalcore are the bands that we just both referred to as faggots.

Metalcore is just short for metallic hardcore, and all I'm saying is Matt Fox was using it before any of that gay shit existed.
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using a term has nothign do with with what the name of the actual genre of music they're playing is, a genre that came to life in the 2000's. We have went over this with plenty of other bands who did the same thing in plenty of other subgnres. And im telling you again it was never used in the 90's, when all of the bands you're talking about existed and where called heavy hardcore, metallic hardcore etc. DRI, Cro-Mags etc have absolutely nothing to do with metalcore.
using a term has nothign do with with what the name of the actual genre of music they're playing is. We have went over this with plenty of other bands who did the same thing in plenty of other subgnres.

It's not uncommon for subgenre tags to retroactively be applied, even setting aside that Matt Fox described his band's music as metalcore before mallcore/melodic metalcore even existed. Doom metal for example.

And im telling you again it was never used in the 90's

And again I'm saying of course, I never said the term was used then.

DRI, Cro-Mages etc have absolutely nothing to do with metalcore.

I never said they did.

you guys can use "proto metalcore" to describe those bands, which again where not called metalcore back then.

Not sure why you're saying "you guys" since I've never used the phrase "proto-metalcore" ever.
It's not uncommon for subgenre tags to retroactively be applied, even setting aside that Matt Fox described his band's music as metalcore before mallcore/melodic metalcore even existed. Doom metal for example.
those are not subgenre tags. Those are just descriptions people used. Are Venom and Motorhead speed metal bands when that term was used to describe their sound by numerous people back in the days?

And again I'm saying of course, I never said the term was used then.
you said it was used in late 90's. no one used metalcore in the 90's. Some dude referred to their sound as metalcore in the 2000's, that doesnt equate to them "inventing" the subgenre(like you said), all that means is that they invented the term.

I never said they did.
Tera did, im responding to both of you

Not sure why you're saying "you guys" since I've never used the phrase "proto-metalcore" ever.
again, that was not directly in response to you, just saying you guys can use it to describe those bands y'all mentioned. And i find the whole "Proto" anything stuff to be nonsense. People need to stop using it as if they're some kind of subgnere of their own because we can literally start applying to dozens of bands from different sounds when it comes to whatever genre it is people are trying to apply said "proto-whatever" label to. its pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
going to have to clear one thing up, i personally do consider Venom and Motorhead to be speed metal bands ... just pointing out that they're technically not considered to be speed metal as far as the definition of the subgenre goes. So i guess i can see why Tera would refer to bands like Shai Huluid, Converge etc as metalcore. My bad for pressuring you so hard twinkster.
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going to have to clear one thing up, i personally do consider Venom and Motorhead to be speed metal bands ... just pointing out that they're technically not considered to be speed metal as far as the definition of the subgenre goes. So i guess i can see why Tera would refer to bands like Shai Huluid, Converge etc as metalcore. My bad for pressuring you so hard twinkster.

Its okay big man, no hard feelings :p :kickass:
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