Controversial opinions on metal

Maybe i never gave Darkthrone enough of a chance but found them pretty boring for the most part. Give me 2 albums to download so i could maybe change my mind.
Maybe i never gave Darkthrone enough of a chance but found them pretty boring for the most part. Give me 2 albums to download so i could maybe change my mind.

Pick based on what you already like:

Soulside Journey - death metal
A Blaze In The Northern Sky - first wave black (a la Bathory)
Under A Funeral Moon - black metal
Transylvanian Hunger - raw, minimalistic black metal
F.O.A.D. - first wave black (a la Venom)
I think I "got" Transilvanian Hunger tonight. Took me long enough.

Anyway, I dunno if this is controversial, but Amorphis' Silent Waters is fucking sweet.
I fucking love it when an album finally "clicks". I remember when I first bought DMDS I thought it was just alright, then one night I listened to it and BAM!, I fucking loved it.
I think there are many other wonderful and much heavier bands out there than Agalloch, but I definitely think that John Haughm has the best growls ever. I can't get enough of his voice.
I want to sa that since I wrote that I never really got Burzum I went back and listened again and its not at all what I thought it was before. I remember some horrible vocals on the stuff I had heard by them before and completely dismissed the band. Of course listening to a couple of their cd's now the vocals arent bad at all. I wonder what release I initially heard?