LOG is about as exciting as counting down the seconds in a minute.
Coming from the guy with the Scorpions in his sig...
if you like agalloch, metal is not for you
They're good up until Love At First Sting, but had a dropoff in quality from the 70s.I hate all 80's hair shit... in fact, most all of the 80's music sucked ass.
I hate all 80's hair shit... in fact, most all of the 80's music sucked ass.
Here, I'll do the next post so some idiot won't have to...
You're such a fag. None of the bands you like would exist if Priest, Maiden, and everyone else from the 80's weren't there. Now, I'm going to go spackle some mediocre bands with high pitched vocals and tight pants with my man gravy, since I'm so awesome and tr00. You fail at metal, Seed.
If you're talking underground metal, then sure, you could argue that.
They're good up until Love At First Sting, but had a dropoff in quality from the 70s.
Carcass' Swansong is pretty damned good. Not really death metal too much, but people give it too much crap.