Controversial opinions on metal

Fast forward twenty years from today and today's metal will earn the same respect as we give to metal from twenty years prior to today.
Metallica will probably still be going, having released another set of lame albums that will divide the metal community.

It's hard to say what bands from the 90s and 00s are going to stick around for the long run, because few popular metal bands seem to have any staying power. The 80s produced Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, and what have you, including underground bands. These days, most bands seem to release a couple albums and then vanish, except bands like Dragonforce who somehow gain some recognition.

Any guesses/speculation on new/current bands that promise longevity?
Fast forward twenty years from today and today's metal will earn the same respect as we give to metal from twenty years prior to today.

you think there's as much originality today as there was 20 years ago? i suspect there isn't, if only because a genre's boundaries can't infinitely expand

anyways 20 years from now the stuff from 40 years previous will be even more revered and the same argument will still be occuring
Metallica will probably still be going, having released another set of lame albums that will divide the metal community.

It's hard to say what bands from the 90s and 00s are going to stick around for the long run, because few popular metal bands seem to have any staying power. The 80s produced Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, and what have you, including underground bands. These days, most bands seem to release a couple albums and then vanish, except bands like Dragonforce who somehow gain some recognition.

Any guesses/speculation on new/current bands that promise longevity?

Good question.

I think the whole metal scene has become so big and varied compared to what it was back in the 80s, it will be almost impossible for modern acts to become timeless legacies like Sabbath or any other immortal band from "the good ol' days". Every time a good band comes out, they get 3 or 4 releases out and by then, their style is no longer the thing 'cause this new band came out playing something new and so much better than what we heard a week ago...Trivium is a good example of that. Like a loud fart, they exploded in the metal world and after five minutes nobody cared because everyone suddenly found out how boring they were (which is a good thing.)

Nowadays, instead of having that one band everybody talks about, we seem to be more oriented toward the "cult album" thing simply because there are too many bands, too many genres and way too many different metalheads.

As for speculations...not much can be done.

Amon Amarth seem to be on their way for victory but their style is simply not reaching a large enough audience to gain, after time, the same renown as Maiden or Megadeth...

In Flames left a good mark but these I doubt will survive much longer in the universal metalhead conscience.

Opeth could last for a long while, they seem to be appreciated by most of the public and the critics. Then again, those who don't like Opeth tend to hate them lots and that might not help them reach the thrones...

Nightwish seem to be in the same position as Opeth.

Also, nowadays, all things pagan/folk metal are pretty much getting the spotlight but like anything else, this trend will certainly die out soon.

no country for old wainds said:
you think there's as much originality today as there was 20 years ago? i suspect there isn't, if only because a genre's boundaries can't infinitely expand
That and also simply because there are so many bands out there, every style gets completely diluted. The more to play the same music, the more boring the music gets.
you think there's as much originality today as there was 20 years ago? i suspect there isn't, if only because a genre's boundaries can't infinitely expand

anyways 20 years from now the stuff from 40 years previous will be even more revered and the same argument will still be occuring

Like classic rock is today. Of course.

The genre has expanded to its limits, and I see the prevalence of fusion genres that mix metal with non-metal will continue to the point that it's the norm. Take Nachtmystium, for example. They are setting a standard with their current direction, a standard that may well define the direction of future bands who will be less and less afraid to cross that line and have their band be equal parts metal and some other musical genre.
How can you even think the genres have expanded to their limits? In the early 1900s, people were certain everything had been invented. Don't underestimate human creativity.
How can you even think the genres have expanded to their limits? In the early 1900s, people were certain everything had been invented. Don't underestimate human creativity.

The definition of what is metal must be expanded or else you will see more and more bands who will be called non-metal, or post-metal if you will.
I think metal's next step is to become an element in cinema and general popular media. Metal has implemented film and culture for quite a long time (like the B-horror-movie horror shtick and political nods) and it seems logical that an era will come when metal reaches the ultimate forefront. Some may argue that this was reached during the days of glam and hair metal, but if it does so again, I think it will be more mature and taken somewhat seriously as a legitimate art form in mass media, not just a teenage/young person pastime.
No they're not. Opeth is still Opeth; Nightwish has gone from symphonic power metal with opera vocals to equal parts Disney movie soundtrack and mallcore.

Uhm... The music itself is pretty much what they have always done. How you can equal it to mallcore is beyond me. However the vocals are mot pop than they are opera. Good thing since it always sounded to forced to me when Turunen opened her mouth. With this being said Im not a fan of either mallcore or Nightwish but I know enough about them that I can say they dont sound like eachother.
I do not mind seeing metal get more "artistic." I think it is great that Sunn 0))) worked with Banks Violette. I would love to see metal move beyond its current sound and become something much more advanced.
I don't like alot of classic metal such as Metallica, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden...they are OKAY but I'm not in love like everyone else.

I don't see what's so amazing about thrash like Metallica and Slayer

I hate black metal for the monotonous blastbeats used throughout the song though there are a couple of okay bands I can listen to.

I think Christian Black Metal still counts as black metal (not unblack metal) because black metal isn't only about the lyrics...the sound counts too and christian black metal bands still have the black sound and aren't any softer sounding.

I don't see what's amazing about Opeth

I think Children Of Bodom are overrated

Bands like Cannibal Corpse I do not like. Brutal death metal that's brutal for the SAKE of being brutal sucks because alot of it sounds the same, and sometimes it's just stupid to make brutal music just because you wanna be brutal.

Pig Squeals are not good if they are used more than 2 times in a song. JFAC does them okay though.

Deathcore initially does not please me but All Shall Perish, Whitechapel and bands like them are very good.

I hate Metalcore not because I'm a metal elitist, but because the vocals aren't good and the songs are one long breakdown. Bands like The Devil Wears Prada give metalcore a bad name haha but Anterior is good:rock:

I think Lacuna Coil is not metal. at least from the song I heard...the video was of the singer in a white dress I believe.

NOW, FOR THE LAST ONE. I have no clue if this is controversial or not buuut....
My favorite band is Norther. :goggly: