Controversial opinions on metal

re: Oceanborn.........yes....the best Nightwish by about a billion miles. Everyone says 'Wishmaster' but even though it's also great it comes off like this incomplete copy.

I think a lot of folk metal blows too...doesn't matter what genre blend it is... but the super typical blackened folk thing comes off sounding like ass with so many bands.
I never liked ensiferium, I don't even know why. I forgot what they sounded like, but turisas are awesome.
The basis of Folk Metal is the folkish melody, which is lame. They're good when thrown into Black Metal here and there, but when that's the only element, it gets boring quickly.

Black metal with folkish elements can be amazing. Drudkh for example.
It can be, when it's done by bands who actually seem to be entrenched in the music and aren't really popular which for some reason cheapens the thing for me. See, Pagan Reign.