Controversial opinions on metal

black metal sucks (generally)

If you were to look at the ratio of good to bad music, you could say that all music sucks, generally.

dreamtheatre need new vocalis

It's Dream Theater, and no, they don't. LaBrie is a great vocalist. His voice takes some getting used to but there's nothing wrong with it once you do and it fits Dream Theater's music perfectly.

dragonforce rules

You have been disqualified.
Yeah. Valley of the Damned was actually really good, interesting and sounded really quite different to other power metal.

Agreed. VOTD actually sounded varied throughout. It was shorter than the other albums though in terms of number of songs, so maybe that had something to do with it
Meh, I can't get into either for whatever reason. I like certain songs, but as a whole I find them boring

EDIT: in before someone says the 'reason' is because I'm a faggot with shit taste