Controversial opinions on metal

I used to really dislike The Haunted and they stylewise are something that I'd almost never listen to, but ironically all the things that initially bothered me about them, I now enjoy. Can't explain how that happened. :confused:
/me np: Rilo Kiley - [Under The Blacklight #06] Dreamworld [0:01/4:45] [213 kbps]

You've got the money maker
They showed the money to you
You showed them what you can do
Showed them your money
Make you get out out out oh yeah
You'll get out out out oh yeah!
So Blodhemn is the least interesting Enslaved album. Not a rewarding moment on the whole album imo.

It was my favorite Enslaved album until I actually finally got into Ruun and Isa, then all their other stuff.

Still an awesome cd...too bad they never play anything live from it.

The Haunted suck. shit band

Agreed...don't see what's so great about em
they had one or two good songs. Still take them over Obit tbh

MA and Brutality fucking own them for Florida DM, though
I like Slayer and have all their albums from the 80's to early 90(seasons..) except Haunting The Chapel. I got sick of them and than started getting back into them recently.
Anybody (re: Andy) who doesn't like early Deicide and Obituary is a faggot who will be punched in the face by me next year.