Controversial opinions on metal

Some bands i always think get overlooked in these kinds of discussions are the two old Swedish bands Grotesque and Treblinka, i think they had more influence on the second wave of black metal than people think, and even more so than Celtic Frost or Bathory actually even though they are credited most.
But Black metal started 'officially' with Bathory, right? I can't call Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate and Venom as black metal bands cause they are not black metal on the fullest sense of the term, If people call Mercyful Fate or Venom black metal, then they must call Black Sabbath black metal too...that's stupid. As V5 said, influences don't work on that way.
I used to subscribe to that logic as well but you have to look at how the aesthetics of Venom and other first wave black metal bands progressed into what we know today as black metal. Early Bathory is a blatant rip-off of Venom (no matter how much Quorthon tries to deny it) and each band expanded upon that sound adding new musical traits and ideologies. Some might just call it influence but I see it as an expansion of the style between first and second wave black metal.

I agree that it's harder to classify Mercyful Fate as black metal. However, compared to NWOBHM bands that Mercyful Fate was often associated with, they brought something pretty new to the table that wasn't comparable to any other band at the time.
But Black metal started 'officially' with Bathory, right? I can't call Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate and Venom as black metal bands cause they are not black metal on the fullest sense of the term, If people call Mercyful Fate or Venom black metal, then they must call Black Sabbath black metal too...that's stupid. As V5 said, influences don't work on that way.

How does this post make sense? Oh, wait. It doesn't.

Venom's musical style typified 1st-wave black metal, which is what style of music they most definitely played. They aren't at all far-removed from the other bands that came to be around the same time, including early Bathory. Saying that Black Sabbath is black metal if Venom is makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I don't understand what you're trying to say, but you definitely aren't right.
To elaborate, I see you called Bathory and later bands "black metal on the fullest sense of the term" which is totally wrong, since before those bands existed, the style of music played by Venom and others that came around the same time was called black metal, so if anything, the later bands are farther removed from what black metal originally was than Venom or their contemporaries, which is why they're lumped into a separate wave.
Of course Bathory started black metal. They are the beginning and the end. Alpha and omega. There are absolutely no other bands in the entire history of metal that had more of an influence on black metal. In fact, they are the only band EVER cited as an influence for any "kvlt" black metal band/musician.

Or possibly there's more to it... poop.
To elaborate, I see you called Bathory and later bands "black metal on the fullest sense of the term" which is totally wrong, since before those bands existed, the style of music played by Venom and others that came around the same time was called black metal, so if anything, the later bands are farther removed from what black metal originally was than Venom or their contemporaries, which is why they're lumped into a separate wave.

I see. Venom for me always has been 'satanic speed/thrash metal' instead black metal, as Mercyful Fate is very different from the general NWOBHM but hardly BM. I started listening black metal since 93 but I've never thought about Venom, nor Celtic Frost as a BM acts but for sure were the first steps for my conception of black metal, so from your point of view, the 'BM at his fullest' that I identify is the '2nd' wave.

I just don't see a lot of first wave bands as part of any other genres. They're simply too different. The thing about black metal is that it manages to be much more of an ambiguous genre than every other sub-genre of metal as far as musical traits go.
Venom sounds like a more evil version of Motorhead and Mercyful Fate sounds like a more evil version of Judas Priest. Bathory could still pass as black metal by today's standards. Even today we have bands playing thrashy black metal; it doesn't have to sound anything like Transylvanian Hunger.