Controversial opinions on metal

I probably should not have included them in with Burzum because they have some CF riffs here and there. I just don't like the shitty thin/crappy guitar tone and sound and the shitty production and repetitive fast drumming,etc.. they're just annoying and get nothing from it. I like Celtic Frost and do not like Darkthrone. I'm more of trying to get at just because someone likes say Celtic Frost does not mean they are going to be able to get into bands like say Darkthrone,Immortal, and general BM which I made a post on the page before. CF is still very different and it's not really the samething or genre to me.
I think some of you are missing the point of 1st-wave Black Metal. Those bands are given that epithet because they have influenced what a group of Norwegians started calling Black Metal when they got their little movement started. Mercyful Fate, Celtic Frost and Venom would never be called Black Metal, nor grouped together by any means had not the genre of Black Metal arisen in Norway to claim them as influences.
I'm pretty sure that Venom would be called black metal regardless of later bands. You can call it an educated guess. ;)
Maybe. I mean, you could say they would be the only one, but even then there were tons of bands that sounded similar to that that no one really calls black metal

Whatever. I'm tired.
Yeah, but the only one.

edit: @ Omni

They're BM beause they have a cd called BM so if you like Venom it means you should be able to get into BM and bands like say Gorgoroth,darkthrone,immortal,burzum,dimmu borgir,etc.. and the BM genre because it's all so similiar and whatnot. where's the fucking rolls eyes icon.


(suppose to be quoting The Gaylord) fagman
Mercyful Fate was called Black Metal before Varg was sucking dick on street corners. Shut up you idiots.

Celtic Frost was an integral band to thrash, death, AND black metal, and were godfathers of all three, and are all three. Actually the thrash is a stretch, but whatever. The point is that they lay in the murky grey area of pre-defined genre aesthetics (aka the best time for this form of music).
We know they were obviously very much defining, but I would not call To Mega Therion and Morbid Tales (MAYBE this...MAYBE) black metal. There is more there in line with thrash metal. I'm just talking stylistically, not in regards to their influence. ObscureInfinity's claim was that since a lot of black metal bands were influenced by CF, then CF is black metal...obviously very fallacious argument.

On a different topic, I still think the Running Wild/Helloween/Dark Avenger/Hellhammer split being called Death Metal is hilarious.
Yeah and had the first evil/satanic lyrics,etc.. so if you like KD/ MF you should be able to get into BM and it would be a good starting point for someone to get into the genre and Norwegian and Swedisn BM!!!!

(gaahl is GAY)
I do kind of agree with the general point I think The Greys is making. Listening to 1st Wave BM will help you appreciate 1st Wave BM. I don't see 1st Wave as a gateway to 2nd Wave bands. The way to get into 2nd Wave is to sit and listen to it until you get it. It's not required to run through all of the 1st Wave stuff to like and appreciate 2nd Wave and onwards.