How bad can that album possibly be?If they'll make him want Cold Lake he's better off without them.
I agree with this. But if you can get into CF's atmosphere and want more of that then you'd totally go for some black metal.Celtic Frost are obviously a thrash/DM band(Death Metal if need be) and have very heavy rythmic guitars/doomy passages and thrashy,etc.. and have traditional/rythmnic drumming and saying just because someone could get into say Celtic Frost does not mean it would be easy for them to actually get into BM as a genre because regardless all kinds of extreme metal bands being influenced by them does not mean any of those bands rfeally sound like them.
Yeah, I'd agree with that. That's my take on it, anyhow. There's some middle ground, but in general it's a pass/fail thing. I think that black metal can be the most fucking amazing stuff ever but it can also be a steaming pile of shit. I'd say the majority of it (as with everything) is utterly terrible, but there's a lot of really amazing stuff.Shit, I've been needing to get some Black Metal. The way I see the genre is mostly the atmosphere of it. Sometimes you get it, and it's amazing and spiritual. Or you don't get it and it just sounds like a guy screeching with some homogenous sound in the background that's supposed to be instruments. In other words, amazing or terrible.
The first time I put on Covenant, my first MA album, I was listening for a minute and I said "dude, these guys totally listen to a ton of Celtic Frost."The band i've always associated most with Celtic Frost is Morbid Angel actually, not in the spirit of the music but that Trey's bizarre guitar style seems very influenced by them.