Controversial opinions on metal

Whats wrong with people sticking dicks in their ass? Besides telling someone they like putting dicks up their ass inorder to asert masculinity is a pretty macho thing to do. God, get with the times Mort. But seriously Karmablade probably does like dicks in his ass though, not saying its a bad thing, its ok Karma we're all very open minded people here you can talk to us. We won't tell anyone.

You're a worthy poster.
Fuck it...Lars just appeared on an Aussie saturday night variety show abd made me want to listen to Metallica again,first time in years and it's pretty damn great when you're drunk.Memories and Metal :)
Jesus Christ, don't you get sick of posting the same shit on multiple forums over and over again? Half the threads you post on seem to follow the exact same pattern as the one on GMD:

  • Karmablade posts song
  • A few people laugh and say how crap the lyrics are
  • Karmablade seems be sincerely perplexed as to why they're laughing, makes some statement about how they couldn't create anything half as good or how he's here to save music or how smart he is.
  • More people give Karmablade shit.
  • Karmablade responds by calling them wimps/girlymen/sheep, or bings up random NWO conspiracy theory.
  • Someone sarcastically praises Brock or the song.
  • Karmablade doesn't notice or ignores the sarcasm and agrees.
  • Someone asks if KB can be banned and mentions how Karmablade was banned from some other forum somewhere.

How many forums have you been banned from anyway? If you're not retarded then you're definitely the worlds most persistent troll.
This is disturbing on two fronts: that he has indeed been banned from so many websites and also that you somehow know all this as well. Do you guys follow each other around random forums often?
This one guy from another forum made an entire youtube rambling monologue film with the sole purpose of humiliating and discrediting the menace of our very own "Karmablade" and his music. Check it out:

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This is disturbing on two fronts: that he has indeed been banned from so many websites and also that you somehow know all this as well. Do you guys follow each other around random forums often?

Haha it does look a bit that way, but no, I only found all that out in like the last couple of hours. I thought I'd Google 'Karmablade' after all the laughs I got listening to that song about Brock to see if there was another Karmablade song written about Mike Tyson or Darth Vader or something. Then the first few results all came up with forums that were freakishly similar to this thread and I couldn't stop reading them, it's seriously the most I've laughed in months.

I'm really amazed that this guy seemingly repeats the same thing on forum after forum. Anyone with half a brain would have either given up or changed his posting habits by now. Or if he is a troll, then it's equally as fascinating that someone goes to that much effort to annoy people.

Here's another one:
Whats wrong with people sticking dicks in their ass? Besides telling someone they like putting dicks up their ass inorder to assert masculinity is a pretty macho thing to do. God, get with the times Mort. But seriously Karmablade probably does like dicks in his ass though, not saying its a bad thing, its ok Karma we're all very open minded people here you can talk to us. We won't tell anyone.

Funny thing is I'm only posting shit he has before.
For centuries, people have accused this fascinating account of being nothing more than a troll, a fakeaccount, a dickhead, a naive, egotistical dumbass. Yet it is becoming increasingly apparent that it is, in fact, part of the new wave of advanced spambots that keep us more entertained than the human posters at the best of times. Lets speculate:

Uses the same words in practically every response. Mixes the responses up so as to not appear to be a bot
Creates 'music' at random using various randomly generated programmes, seeking human reactions, and responding as noted above.
Has sent emails seeking financial contributions
Only appears to react to certain words ie 'nile' and 'suck' used in a complete sentence would, at a 45% average be likely to get a response, 'massacre' and 'beneath' used to be at a high 95% but has since dropped, to strengthen the rouse
Could not possibly be human

I'm no scientician, but I believe all of the above and much more contribute to undeniable scientific proof that the Karmablade account is no more intelligent than the mail in my inbox that says:

' to alphonson
show details Jan 10
related to near briar patch underhandedly comely
pockets ruffian
but dahlias'
