Iron Chef Sakai
New Metal Member
the keyboard intros to "Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen" and "The Promised Future Aeons" by Dimmu Borgir I'm a sucker for melodic stuff.
Nemesis by Arch Enemy -- 2:26 to 2:56 -- 30 seconds of greatness that makes the rest of the song bearable.
I always thought "Turn the Page" by Blind Guardian sounded like a worship song or something. Not necessarily a plus, but an interesting observation.
Windir - Arntor, Ein Windir
2:30 in
Most orgasmic sound I've ever heard.
Morbid Angel - Chapel of Ghouls
The part with the keyboard during the chorus (and the riff itself) are the sole reason I decided to buy Altars of Madness.