
Corrupted Innocence

Sentenced To Dusk drummer
Apr 28, 2007
Montana, USA
Hey everyone. My name is Trevor Delay, and I am Corrupted Innocence here. My best buddy, Ryan, or Trans-Siberian Outcast invited me. He's been corrupting my mind so badly that I cannot live or breath or anything without Heavy Metal, Power Metal, etc. I'm really into Cellador and DragonForce. I also enjoy some Helloween, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and other oldies. I'm one of very few kids in my school who even know about or listen to Metal. I am almost 14.

I hope I am welcome to stay here. I live with Metal flowing through my veins. I am currently trying to get a band together. I am the drummer, and I have a Bass player.
Enough of me now. How about you?
Yup, Trevor, aka Corrupted Innocence, is a current project of mine. I like to make sure the old school style of metal reigns supreme, so corrupting youthful minds is very important to the cause. Someone needs to offset the influences of MTV and media driven modern metal.

I've invited Trevor here because I only get to spend a few months a year with him. Reading and participating here will speed up his learning curve. And Trevor is a good student... I've already corrupted his innocence over the past two summers.

And no giving him shit because he's almost 14 and likes Dragonforce. When I played Inhuman Rampage for him last summer he had no idea they were media darlings or on ozzfest. He just loved the SPEED of the band. He's into the speedy stuff and the Dragonforce connection is purely coincidental (or maybe the catalyst). Any recommendations of speedy bands would probably be welcomed, particularly if they have a myspace or other options for hearing songs on the net.
Welcome aboard Mr. Corrupted... Nice to meet more folks with a liking for power/speed. Got a couple recommendations.... Not too well known but fast, melodic & all very good....
Dreamtale - 'Beyond Reality' & 'Difference'
Celesty - 'Legacy Of Hate' & 'Reign Of Elements'
Seventh Avenue - 'Between The Worlds' & 'Eternals'
Six Magics - 'Dead Kings Of The Unholy Valley'
Freternia - 'A Nightmare Story'

Not sure who's got MySpace... But you should be able to find some samples... If you like those - I got tons more. Good luck & happy listening. Have fun here - That's what it's all about.

I'll just say this, if you want to be truly corrupted, listen to Final Stage. Not even Slayer can screw you up that badly. :lol:

I already screwed him up with Slayer last summer. Remember that, Trevor? We were waiting at the bottom of the Dam Road for your slow-ass dad.

By the way, Trevor, meet Brandon or "poundingmetal74". He's got an up and coming metal band and is a class act all the way. See the Final Stage link above. Just hang out to find out how cool he is.
Thanks, Nebulous, that is a great recommendation and link. Heavenly is definitely one of the better euro-power bands. I never played them for Trevor so it's a great new lead for him.

No problem. I too like helping the younger blokes find their way. Heavenly were recommended to me back in 2001 when I was finally branching out into the underground.
Actually, I might as well include the other bands which helped me out back then:
-Balance of Power (Ten more tales of grand illusion)
Great hard rocking power metal. Fronted by Lance King in the past, man of many bands and founder of Nightmare Records (also with a forum on UM)

-Evergrey (In Search of Truth)
Dark prog from Sweden, they have gone through a bit of a rock phase lately, but still a good listen. Their older songs aren't on their myspace :(

-Iced Earth (Something Wicked)
The older material is where it's at IMO. Their myspace only has newer stuff with their new singer. A new song (from the upcoming album) is available for preview here:

Welcome Trevor !!!
My real name is Gert. I'm from Belgium, Europe .
Allways glad to see younger people around to keep the Metal flame burnin' !!!!
Yup, Trevor, aka Corrupted Innocence, is a current project of mine.

He's only 14! You're going to fry in jail for this Ryan o_O :p

Welcome to the den of iniquity. Since you're underage you will have to excuse the fact that we oldsters are badmouthed, dirty minded and cranky :lol:, my apologies in advance.

And don't believe anything TSO tells you he doesn't like Megadeth and thinks the last Maiden album is good :saint:

Have a blast in here, good to see the next generation carrying the torch :headbang:

BTW, I'm Rolando, 40 yo and official potswhore of the forum :D

NP: Acid - 'Hooked On Metal'
Hey, if corrupting the mind of a 14 year old with real heavy metal is against the law, I'm more than willing to serve my term! :headbang:

Amen to that brother. Some things in life worth the can (killing my ex's will be one of them too :heh: ).

NP: Angra - 'The Temple Of Hate'
Well, with you being two steps from the looney bin, you could always plead INSANITY! :D

Nah everybody knows I'm already insane. Besides if I do it I want to be proud of it not chicken out on some technicality :saint:

How come this thread turn into this? We are going to scare the kid :lol:

God I love this forum and all of you people :kickass:

NP: Metalucifer - 'Wolf Man'
Thanks for the warm welcoming. I am glad to have joined.

I don't care about bad mouthing and language. It's not like I don't hear it everyday anyways.
Ryan: Yeah, I remember that. My dad's always getting held up by me mum. I wonder if he ever asks himself why he got married... :lol:
I am glad to have the boiling vat of poison poured into my head. Well, technically Metal...:headbang:

I'm not going to be on much for about a week or two. I just got grounded from the computer.
Welcome to the board Trevor. I hope you make yourself at home. :)
When you're no longer grounded :lol: :)