Corsets: OT sort of

I thought I had posted links for the custom corsetiers in the other thread. But the ones I like are Nightshade and Gallery Serpentine (can't recall the addys off-hand). I can't recall where you live, to tell you what areas to look in.

And yes, still doing it on Friday.
I'm assuming that we are again, doing corset night on Friday night. (It's tradition now isn't it?)

I know there were a few places that people recommended going as far as getting corsets but can't seem to remember where they were.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?


-Metal! :cool:
Last year I found mine in the last place on earth - Forever 21 for minimum $$! Couldn't believe my luck! But this year I think I will go with Gallery Serpentine like freakchylde mentioned.