Could God?


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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We've all heard the great wonderful amazing little question that boggles all minds: "Could God microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?" Well, I was thinking, how about we have fun with this and invent our own could God questions. I'll start it off with a few, Could God make a pimple so hard that he himself could not pop it. Could God make a body of water so deep that he himself could not reach the bottom. Could God make music so loud that he himself could not stand to listen to it. Could God make a star so bright that he himself could not stand to look into it. Could God make a pussy so raunchy that he himself could not stand to eat it. Now, you see how it works. Everyone give it a try.
Could god wave a magic wand and make your face good looking enough that he himself would not throw up each time he looks at you?

"Could god wave a magic wand and make your face good looking enough that he himself would not throw up each time he looks at you?"
No, that's impossible.
Could God make a book of lies so convincing that millions of people would believe in it? Oh, wait, he has already done that. Damn, he's good. Could God create a being and place so evil that millions of people would be forced to worship him? Wait, he's already done that too. Could God create a life form so ignorant that they believe in an invisible being that controls our lives and punishes us for all eternity just for not believing in him. Damn, he's already done that too.
could god...

make a pig have an orgasm?
create a giant fruit loop?
cross breed an elephant and a human?
make nevermore kick any more ass?
teach people who like nu-metal the error of there ways?
create a 94.2 foot bong?
make a giant hippo raping chicken?
make satan his bitch?

these aren't really following the rules, but, whatever, fuck you!
Originally posted by retarded penguin
could god...
cross breed an elephant and a human?

She did that!!!...And she calls it Anna Nicole Smith.
She did that!!!...And she calls it Anna Nicole Smith.

How come you refer to god as a she? Trust me if there was a god he'd be a MAN. Yeah he'd have you little bitches washing his feet and giving him blowjobs all day long.

If god is real, and god can do anything, name one thing god cant do, and you will prove he does not exist.

Can anyone think of at least one thing he cant do? I can.
no really. Try on this one.

Its a riddle of sorts

If god is great, sees all, knows all, and can do anything, name one thing he cant do, and you ahev proven him to not exist.
Originally posted by ledmag
If god is great, sees all, knows all, and can do anything, name one thing he cant do, and you ahev proven him to not exist.

Assuming God can do anything....

If god can do anything, than he could think of something he could not do, and thus he doesn't exist.