Countdown to the Election

Re: the gay thing. I have no problem with gay people, one of my best mates is gay. I don't care much for that thing they do, but I don't judge them for it.

What people do with their trousers down is their own business. As long as they're not hurting anybody and it's consensual they can go for it, gay or straight, male or female.
Re: the gay thing. I have no problem with gay people, one of my best mates is gay. I don't care much for that thing they do, but I don't judge them for it.

What people do with their trousers down is their own business. As long as they're not hurting anybody and it's consensual they can go for it, gay or straight, male or female.

I agree with the statement, but Dont agree with homosexuality and dont support the advancment of gay rights. That sums up my argument.
Dän;6225900 said:
Still no answer?; well I guess I won't be voting Labor then :kickass:

I'll defer that we haven't mounted much of a case.

Very much like we didn't mount a case for the Liberal party when we decided that Paul Keating was an arrogant fuckwit that needed to go, and voted Howard in.

You'd most assuredly accept that was a change for the better.
It's frustrating how the government is constantly blamed for it when it's Telstra holding back broadband access in Australia... and it doesn't matter whether Liberal or Labor are in power, Telstra will still be the bottleneck.
This is a bit interesting. I agree that it wouldn't matter which side was in power (allowing for the possibility that this wouldn't be happening if they were still government owned), and that Telstra is the bottleneck.

But in this case they've got some really good reasons. Everyone wants Telstra to install this billion dollar infrastructure and then let everyone else use it. That'd be fine if it was still government owned, but they've got shareholders to be responsible to now. I'd like fibre to the node as much as anyone (and possibly more, because it effects my job), but what is being asked of Telstra is unreasonable.

All the more reason to split Telstra into a goverment owned "infrastructure" company and a public "telecommunications" company.
phlogy has a good point.

even if the Government used these massive surplusses to build essential infrastructure (not just telecommunications, roads, water and all), and then once it was installed portioned it and sold it, we'd be better than now.