Country of shit, politics of whit, corruption etc. - Serious thread

Hubster: He didn't really respond to any point you made, he just made a general observation about your incredibly stupid attitude every time you're in an argument. hominems must be your hobby.
Well you're even dumber now aren't you, because you just responded you fucking dumbass. The argument is over Nec, did you really need to get yourself a hard-on by writing that for no reason?

It's shit like your post that reminds me that no matter what, you really are a zit-laden child who has no idea about ANYTHING, no matter how many sylaballs you throw into a post in an attempt to come across as semi intelligent. Get off the internet, get outside your house, get a girlfriend for the first time ever, you might learn something about what really IS happening in the real world. Kids like you are really damn creepy and your post count only proves it.

Is it possible for you to be any more god damn hostile? It looks like I struck a nerve or something, but that wouldn't make sense as I'd hardly even said anything.

What makes you think that I have no idea about "ANYTHING"? I really don't need to defend my intelligence to someone who is incapable of having a civil conversation with me, so I'm not going to even bother, but I'd just like to point out that it's more useful to attack people on substantial claims and not fabrications. As far as not having a girlfriend, good for you man, you totally nailed me. But luckily for me, it's not a priority, as I'm not a manwhore fashionista such as yourself. It will come in due time, but for the moment I'm focusing on my education. And as far as my post count goes, that is mostly from the first two years that I was here. You're not around here enough to observe that I don't post all that much here anymore (at least relative to what I used to post).

Now if you're willing to stop being infantile and behave in a civil manner for once (as instigated by your insulting the entire forum except for Zephyrus), I would be willing to do the same.
After being in Indonesia, and hopefully returning in a few months, I've come to realise that the characteristics mentioned in this thread, chiefly by Zeph, are not limited to the US. It's the western world as a whole.

As much as I bag the US, when I got back home to Australia a few weeks ago I was fucking disgusted, and still am, by almost everything I saw around me. Captialism is truly fucked, but I guess I don't have too much of a choice in it all, it's what I've been born into and the way of life that I know... however, I am starting to consider moving to a non-western country, and perhaps sacrificing many of the things in the Western world which I may feel reviled by, but rely upon, to perhaps live a somewhat more simple, and as I see it, a more enlightened life.

//awaiting flaming

What do you propose as an alternative to capitalism?
Is it possible for you to be any more god damn hostile? It looks like I struck a nerve or something, but that wouldn't make sense as I'd hardly even said anything.

What makes you think that I have no idea about "ANYTHING"? I really don't need to defend my intelligence to someone who is incapable of having a civil conversation with me, so I'm not going to even bother, but I'd just like to point out that it's more useful to attack people on substantial claims and not fabrications. As far as not having a girlfriend, good for you man, you totally nailed me. But luckily for me, it's not a priority, as I'm not a manwhore fashionista such as yourself. It will come in due time, but for the moment I'm focusing on my education. And as far as my post count goes, that is mostly from the first two years that I was here. You're not around here enough to observe that I don't post all that much here anymore (at least relative to what I used to post).

Now if you're willing to stop being infantile and behave in a civil manner for once (as instigated by your insulting the entire forum except for Zephyrus), I would be willing to do the same.

You are the very instigator of the hostility that has ensued in the last number of posts, don't you dare try to turn the table back on me to cover your own fuck up here. The only hostility which occurred was bewteen myself and Cryptal which we resolved ourselves, if you actually look at the posts!

There was NO REASON for you to for reply to my post advising with your incredible levels of observation that I'm a douchebag, no reason at all. It's a simple display of "oh here's a fight which has ended, why don't I just jump in and lengthen it a bit?".

Did you really need to write that post, Nec? NO, YOU DIDN'T. I didn't cause ANY fight whatsoever, and didn't insult anyone directly. Again, if someone else had written that Zeph was a thinker in the sea of stupidity that this forum floats upon, no one would have blinked twice. But *I* say something, and that's it, I have you the moral crusader who can never admit when he ever makes a mistake, marching in to restore peace and calm, when the argument between myself and Cryptal was already resolved in the first place! You're a bumbling fool, boy!

V5 I hope you're reading this mate, can you please go back and delete the last pack of posts please. Cheers.
when I think of shit politics I think of Illinois Gov Blagojevich, and Chicago Mayer Daley. Holy shit these guys are ruining peoples lives and nothing is being done about it.
What do you propose as an alternative to capitalism?

I really wish I had an answer to that, because I'd be the first person to take it up, were it viable.

I've just found, that while being exposed to life in a very different country, that despite the lack of advantages of living in a capitalist society, their apparent lack of seems to promote far better mental health and treatment of their friends, family and community. It seems far more proactive to me I guess. I just feel generally we in the Western world don't spend enough time thinking about the needs of others.

When we arrived back in Sydney, the first thing which hit us was the amount of CONTROL. trust me, if you go to a country which is not Western, and you appreciate their way of life, and then return to your home, you just can't look at home the same way. Your entire perception changes, quite heavily so. Instead of normal billboard everywhere, I saw control: "buy, buy, spend, spend, you NEED this" etc etc. A constant supression of our lives is everywhere around us, and we're so used to it that we don't even realise it half the time. It's only the really adverse things which we seem to react to, but the more subtle ones are ones we seem to ignore - yet it's the subtleties which are the actual "dangers" from a control perspective.

I wish I had an idea to an alternative to capitalism. I do know of people, friends of ex's and such, who've travelled, seen what I've described for example, and then left Western society, moved to another country to live a much simpler life, and they feel really fulfilled by that. Hardly a new concept either, Westerners have done it for decades.

Do I think I can do that? Hmm... I'm not so sure. Still trying to sort that one out. I can definitely see that capitalism is not quite what it seems, and in many ways, it's killing who we are.
You are the very instigator of the hostility that has ensued in the last number of posts, don't you dare try to turn the table back on me to cover your own fuck up here. The only hostility which occurred was bewteen myself and Cryptal which we resolved ourselves, if you actually look at the posts!

There was NO REASON for you to for reply to my post advising with your incredible levels of observation that I'm a douchebag, no reason at all. It's a simple display of "oh here's a fight which has ended, why don't I just jump in and lengthen it a bit?".

Did you really need to write that post, Nec? NO, YOU DIDN'T. I didn't cause ANY fight whatsoever, and didn't insult anyone directly. Again, if someone else had written that Zeph was a thinker in the sea of stupidity that this forum floats upon, no one would have blinked twice. But *I* say something, and that's it, I have you the moral crusader who can never admit when he ever makes a mistake, marching in to restore peace and calm, when the argument between myself and Cryptal was already resolved in the first place! You're a bumbling fool, boy!

V5 I hope you're reading this mate, can you please go back and delete the last pack of posts please. Cheers.


I don't really know what you are talking about. I said that you were being infantile because you said that Zephyrus was the only person on this forum who has a brain, which I and I'm sure many other people object to. I didn't say that you instigated any fights, and my post was not at all strategically timed, I just responded to your post when I saw it. My post had nothing to do with Cryptal or anyone else or any other posts in this thread for that matter. Your post is the sole reason for my post, so in that sense it instigated my post, which is what I meant. My intention had absolutely nothing to do with lengthening a 'fight' that I, in fact, hadn't even seen when I posted.

I didn't say that you instigated any fights, and I certainly never said that my post was 'needed.' I just felt provoked by your unjustifiable insult. I again don't know why I'm taking the time to respond to this blatant ad hominem accusing me of things I haven't even done. In case it hasn't caught on to you yet, I'm attempting to call a truce between you and I, because I'm sick of internet wars. I'll just ask that you tone your backhand insults down.
Oh shut up will you. You're like a yapping chihuahua now. Admit you fucked up and call it a day for gods sake. I'm already over it. Everytime I ever seem to express something in this place, you come along and bash it like you can't help yourself, and you have the audacity to tell ME I need to calm myself down? How dare you act like an innocent party you hypocrite.
Oh shut up will you. You're like a yapping chihuahua now. Admit you fucked up and call it a day for gods sake. I'm already over it.

I again don't know what the hell you're talking about. What exactly did I fuck up?
You FUCKED up by making your initial response to mine. What you SHOULD have done is not written it in the first place. There was NO need for it, Nec. Now look at the trail of garbage posts which have resulted from it, we've totally derailed the thread.

Years ago I used to explode in threads about anything I didn't agree with. I've learned to chill that down. You need to exercise the same practice by knowing when you simply not post at all. Look at the weapons thread for example, I hate that shit, but hey, it's a place for Krig to bar up, so let the king have his throne, right? ;) I've not even posted in there, I simply stay away.
I regret the tone of that post, but I don't regret that I posted. I thought it was worthwhile to call you out on what you said. You make those kind of comments a lot and that was what I was referring to when I asked you to tone down the backhand insults. Now I'll say again that I would like to 'call a truce,' whatever that may mean for the internet, so that the next time one of us posts something that the other disagrees with, he won't fly off the handle. This is my last post on the matter, so you don't have to worry about it going off topic more. If I have something else to say, I'll PM you.