Cover artworks on the loose – Have you seen them?


Pixel coordinator
Jan 9, 2002
Alingsås, Sweden
A few years ago I sold two cover artworks which I have unfortunately lost all information about. I don't know what bands they were going to be used for, but if I'm not mistaken the first one were going to be used for some tribute album.

Do you have any information that could help me? It would be highly appreciated.


Welcome back to the business Mattias! Your first missing artwork is used on an Ozzy tribute album called "Flying High Again: The World's Greatest Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne". Available for example at [ame][/ame].

The 2nd one REALLY reminds me of the artwork used on Therion's Gothic Kabbalah album but it's still not that.. hopefully someone else catches that one :)

EDIT: Found the 2nd one too, it's called "Voodoo Magick: The Godsmack Tribute".. also available at [ame][/ame].
EDIT: Found the 2nd one too, it's called "Voodoo Magick: The Godsmack Tribute".. also available at

How did you find these? Google Goggles? Unfortunately I didn't think of using it until after I saw your post, but then I did, and it worked perfectly. I just pointed my phone at the images displayed on my monitor, snapped the photo, and seconds later, had the result. Best use of Google Goggles so far! Damn crazy technology!

How did you find these? Google Goggles? Unfortunately I didn't think of using it until after I saw your post, but then I did, and it worked perfectly. I just pointed my phone at the images displayed on my monitor, snapped the photo, and seconds later, had the result. Best use of Google Goggles so far! Damn crazy technology!

The first one I remembered seeing before and as it had a bat on it I just made an google image search on mattias noren ozzy tribute, hit number 4 was this exact image. The 2nd one was trickier, didn't find it using google first so I removed the 1st artwork from the picture and then uploaded the image to and tadaa, it instantly came up with the hit :)

Oh Jibrille just posted that both can be found that easily with Tineye, nice!
Yeah, I had vague memories of a web-based reverse image lookup and found tineye again...I didn't think it would work giving it the straight URL since Mattias stuck both images together into one file, but it found 'em both in one search. Fancy. That may be a good tool for Mattias to use in general, for example to see if anyone has stolen any of his artwork and is using it to hawk counterfeit Chinese electronics.

Google Goggles does a similar, but slightly different thing. While Tineye compares exact images, Goggles can find different images of the same thing (so, I can take a picture of the Eiffel Tower and it will know that it's the Eiffel Tower). It would be more useful in the case where you see someone wearing a t-shirt from a black metal band and you can't decipher the logo and you're afraid to ask what the band is. Snap a photo, and Google will tell you. As far as I know, it's only available on Android phones though, so no web-based version where you can upload an image like Tineye.

Google Goggles does a similar, but slightly different thing. While Tineye compares exact images, Goggles can find different images of the same thing (so, I can take a picture of the Eiffel Tower and it will know that it's the Eiffel Tower).
See for some examples of how Tineye actually finds some not-so-exact images too, quite handy sometimes.