Crackling during playback

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
As of late, when ever I record some demo on my computer the playback after a while, starts crackling. It starts out as just some minor distortion, and after a while it escalates until half of what I'm hearing is just static. I've never had this problem before, just the last few sessions. The thing I'm doing different is that I'm using amp sims for my guitars (and sometime bass), like TSE30.

So I was thinking that it might be a CPU issue, since the plugins probably strain the computer more than my previous sessions. I'm also using EZD along with them, (sometimes 2 instances) but other than bouncing all my guitar track so I don't have the sims running during mixing I don't really know what to do.

Any other thoughts? I obviously can't post a clip, since the issue is only during playback, not mixdown.
try to set up the lateny of your soundcard. Try to freeze EZ-Drummer first and see whats happen. I think it could be a RAM problem because of the guitarplugs.
I do have the same issue.. I thought it was a problem between my digi002r and Logic software, but a CPU overload (or something..) sounds more likely..

anyone has the same problem and know how to solve this?
I'm definetly interested in this! :)
please post your computer system, is it MAC or PC? Which interface, USB or FIREWIRE? Are you using a Firewirecard? Which one? How much RAM do you have etc, please post some techspecs!
this same thing happens me on a mac. I just up the buffer size to the max and that solves it for me, but does give huge latency
Ive got four Instances of the old version of the TSX 30 plugin running and it Destroys my computers cpu, I get massive cracking and popping and im running a Quad Core Q6700 and since its only 32 bit windows 3.25 gigs of ram, from saffire 56. I also Use Ez Drummer with enough plugins to make it somewhat tolerable to listen too.
please post your computer system, is it MAC or PC? Which interface, USB or FIREWIRE? Are you using a Firewirecard? Which one? How much RAM do you have etc, please post some techspecs!

PC with XP, 1.8ghz dual core, 3g ram with a PreSonus Inspire FW card

Hmm, so it is as I suspected a CPU problem. I'll try messing around with buffer sizes and latency settings, and see if anything improve. Otherwise I'll just have to start bouncing all my guitar tracks. Thanks for the help everyone!