Cradle Of Filth

Söy said:
Lady_Laiho said:
On the Nymphetamine album, they had more gothic influences. It wasn't that much black metal anymore but in previous albums i consider them to be black metal. They're just a differnt kind of black metal. They stand apart from the genre and mabe they're in a genre of their own. Musically, they have all the black metal elements. And lyrically, they don't talk about the Satanism stuff cuz they don't believe in the Nordic roots cuz they're not from Norway.

ANyone seen the COF movie? I'm dying to see Dani for 2 hours straight in a movie. I heard he was a very good actor.

Kayos: LOL, Whenever i read the Cradle of Filth lyrics, i don't understand most of those words either. To know what the songs are about, i have to look up A LOT of words.

Yes they have all the elements of Balck Metal and Cradle Of Filth can definately be classed as Goth Metal also, even Thornography.
Not that I should be pre judgemental but I've heard that the film wasn't very good, and adding that to my previous experiences of seeing any film with a lead not from an acting backround I'd expect it to be pretty poor. I'd like to be wrong though.
I can understand the general theme of Cradle Of Filth's lyrics but I have to look up the specific meanings of some of the words. Like "catharsis" for example...I love that song.
Nikotiini said:
I have a better idea...

why don't all you idiots just find a COF forum instead of posting about your ghey band in COB's forum? Then, you won't have 100 angry users spamming your thread!
You can find the answer to your question in your post. It's because we are idiots. At least I will call myself one, no offense to anyone else meant.
That and there is a problem signing up to the Cradle Of Filth forums which I have previously mentioned. I'm not used to so much spamming of threads about other bands either.
Nikotiini said:
make your own forum then
I would if I wasn't an idiot.
No seriously, I don't have a computer of my own so I can't.
Anyone up for creating a Cradle Of Filth forum?
Lady_ Laiho I'm thinking of you.
either that or make a special "declare your love for alexi" forum
Nah im not really in to COF...i like Her Gost In The Fog i think its called...and Cradle To Enslave...Nemesis is pretty good as well....