Crazy Band Ideas

Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
I cant be the only one that lies in the bath from time to time thinking things like, I wonder how cool it would be if you could put a symphony to death metal. This is just a thread to discuss wacky ideas for bands or things you would love to see done.

One thing that I have always thought would be interesting would be traditional doom, or less extreme metal, with a western feel. Perhaps it is just be wanting two of my main loves to collide but I just think it would be awesome if someone could put in whistles, darker, more haunting harmonica parts and a strong Ennio Morricone influence into that sort of music.
This thread should be in the general metal discussion area, not the GMD forums. This thread is about metal,and it's not about casual discussion, but this
Made me laugh so hard for some reason. :lol:

Who made YOU moderator?

I think it'd be cool to have a black metal band that is completely serious about its music but spouts utter nonsense in its lyrics about "cute" topics.