

Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
Ok, I want to say that I'm really tired to be called "idiots" or "COB hater" every fucking time we discuss about something and we aren't on the band or fan side.

I mean, yes, I don't like the band as I did some yars ago, I even don't listen to them anymore.

Now, why then caring posting on that board, or caring just for the band in general?

I really liked Bodom like 2 years or so from now, they were a big part in my life. But well yes I got tired of them, but that doesn't mean I need to forget them. I will probably buy the new CD, but Bodom isn't just like it was before, for me. Not because they changed or got in a different way (that I respect), but because I changed.

I have a lot of respect in them, but god fuck can we fucking dislike something about them? We are here to discuss about the band, so that mean that if they are doing something that WE don't like, it's in our right to say it. I don't mean we have to go throught another 2 year of AYDY discussion, but now we have the album name, to song title and a cover. If we don't like something about them, why the fuck should we shut the fuck up?

Peoples aren't happy with the fact that someone dislike something that they like? Mr. Laiho is pissed that someone doesn't like what he does and even fucking care to the point to write a song about that? Wtf is going on?

They can do what the fuck they want, I gave them that, now can I fucking express myself if I like it or not? I know it won't fucking change the band if I say that I like or don't like something they do and I don't want that to happen, just let me discuss about what is going on in the COB world.
I'd think you're free to express your opinion, others are free to disagree with your opinion, and if some idiot calls you "idiot" or "COB hater" you are free to ignore them, no?
I agree completely, and I have always encouraged INSIGHTFUL criticisms of the band... but it's just I am/have been sick of the pointless AYDY bullshit. Whatever had to be said has been said 10000 times since it's release, so some people really do need to move on with their lives.
Between criticism and bashing there's a difference that many people here doesn't seem to understand. I'll just give some examples.

1. (About the new album) ''new downtuned crap in C''
If someone doesn't like something, there's thousands of useful and not offensive ways of saying it, because you have the right to criticise them if you don't like it, but not to insult them, beacuse they're not insulting you, they're doing the music they want, which for me is enough for, at least, respecting them. ''I don't like it'', ''I'd prefer if they went back to the original tunning'', ''I don't like the sound of drop tunnings'' are just some ways to say the same but without offending, or what is the same respecting them, because they're not gods and are not over us, but they too are not below us, they are like you and me, famous, but human, and deserve some respect, at least until they don't show it towards us.

2.(Referring the album cover) ''That cover sucks, it's bad quality and blurry''
Once again, where has the respect gone?? ''I prefer more defined drawings'', ''Don't really like it beeing blurry'', etc... say the same without offending/bashing, and even though I know they won't read it, this doesn't allow us to bash them, because bashing is not stating opinions.


''This title is fucking emo'', ''What the fuck was Alexi thinking when he wrote this?'', ''LoBodomy? This is lame''. Learn the lesson, criticism doesn't mean bashing, there's a difference.

All in all, the complaints are not for ''not staying true'' or ''not being on Bodom's side'' or this kind of retarded shit, but beacuse people often confuses criticism with bashing and also tend to think that they have rights over what the band or it's members do, and this is far from reality and just a piece of shit. So criticise them as much as you want, but criticise, don't bash. Of course there will always be the OMG FANBOI which will say we must die because we don't worship bodom, but they are a minority and it's just so easy to avoid them, so let's discuse and criticise as much as we want but with some respect, and all will be fine.
You're not a true fan, Fetzy. You need to leave this board to let REAL fans discuss about the best band in the world which, by the way, never made any error, any "bad" album/song/cover/pic, that is absolutely perfect and can't be told anything wrong about. And everybody who doesn't agree with this is just a bastard, an idiot CoB hater that has no taste in music and art in general. Your life is miserable, I read somewhere that people didn't liked the new artwork, I think it's perfect and you deserve death by fire for saying blasphemy about Alexi. I'm glad he wrote a song for you CoB bashers who didn't liked AYDY and listened to it at least every day, enjoy and leave this board for some shitty band's one, like Wintersun.
Well said, children of COB. That's exactly the point: everyone has a right to their opinion, and they are free to comment, but there's no need to be offensive or to bash
in order to express that opinion.
You're not a true fan, Fetzy. You need to leave this board to let REAL fans discuss about the best band in the world which, by the way, never made any error, any "bad" album/song/cover/pic, that is absolutely perfect and can't be told anything wrong about. And everybody who doesn't agree with this is just a bastard, an idiot CoB hater that has no taste in music and art in general. Your life is miserable, I read somewhere that people didn't liked the new artwork, I think it's perfect and you deserve death by fire for saying blasphemy about Alexi. I'm glad he wrote a song for you CoB bashers who didn't liked AYDY and listened to it at least every day, enjoy and leave this board for some shitty band's one, like Wintersun.

There we have a typical example of why some people in this board gets pissed of at other users.
Joonas about Elvenking's cover :

Like I said, that's a fucking emo cover for a gay band and purely just an attempt to get kids buying the album.

Blooddrunk is hardcore. Screw the rest..
This is why I cannot think about tolerance concerning this asshole. "EVERYTHING SUCKS, BODOM IS BEST, ALL THE REST IS GAY AND FAGGOTZ" is getting on my nerves.
^have you considered everyone ain't a clone of Jewnass?:lol: But you have a point. That was exactly whats NOT supposed to be said :lol:
I changed my mind now I agree with children of COB, well it doesn't matter, nobody is getting hurt by saying "COB sucks!" so go on and say it.
You're not a true fan, Fetzy. You need to leave this board to let REAL fans discuss about the best band in the world which, by the way, never made any error, any "bad" album/song/cover/pic, that is absolutely perfect and can't be told anything wrong about. And everybody who doesn't agree with this is just a bastard, an idiot CoB hater that has no taste in music and art in general. Your life is miserable, I read somewhere that people didn't liked the new artwork, I think it's perfect and you deserve death by fire for saying blasphemy about Alexi. I'm glad he wrote a song for you CoB bashers who didn't liked AYDY and listened to it at least every day, enjoy and leave this board for some shitty band's one, like Wintersun.

Actually, the people on this board do not represent in anyway the true/real/average Bodom fans, for the record.
Joonas about Elvenking's cover :

This is why I cannot think about tolerance concerning this asshole. "EVERYTHING SUCKS, BODOM IS BEST, ALL THE REST IS GAY AND FAGGOTZ" is getting on my nerves.

Dude, just look at the name of the one you quoted. Joonas is unique in this whole board, there's noone like him, we don't usually act like that.

Actually, the people on this board do not represent in anyway the true/real/average Bodom fans, for the record.

True, but if people does criticism and not bashing then I prefer that than a bunch of wannabee fanbois that spend their time writing posts about how god-like Alexi is or at how can the sound like Alexi (because noone would ask for the other band members if all users were the prototype fan that worships everything the band does,:lol:) or stuff like that. It's just that I can't stand that people instead of discussing focuses on bashing.
Ok, I want to say that I'm really tired to be called "idiots" or "COB hater" every fucking time we discuss about something and we aren't on the band or fan side.

I mean, yes, I don't like the band as I did some yars ago, I even don't listen to them anymore.

Now, why then caring posting on that board, or caring just for the band in general?

I really liked Bodom like 2 years or so from now, they were a big part in my life. But well yes I got tired of them, but that doesn't mean I need to forget them. I will probably buy the new CD, but Bodom isn't just like it was before, for me. Not because they changed or got in a different way (that I respect), but because I changed.

I have a lot of respect in them, but god fuck can we fucking dislike something about them? We are here to discuss about the band, so that mean that if they are doing something that WE don't like, it's in our right to say it. I don't mean we have to go throught another 2 year of AYDY discussion, but now we have the album name, to song title and a cover. If we don't like something about them, why the fuck should we shut the fuck up?

Peoples aren't happy with the fact that someone dislike something that they like? Mr. Laiho is pissed that someone doesn't like what he does and even fucking care to the point to write a song about that? Wtf is going on?

They can do what the fuck they want, I gave them that, now can I fucking express myself if I like it or not? I know it won't fucking change the band if I say that I like or don't like something they do and I don't want that to happen, just let me discuss about what is going on in the COB world.
There's a lot of truth in what you say... it's only hard to talk about this avoiding to argue with anyone, I think.

Actually, the people on this board do not represent in anyway the true/real/average Bodom fans, for the record.

It's true, but Nerve was kind of joking with that first post of his... I think so, at least.
You're not a true fan, Fetzy. You need to leave this board to let REAL fans discuss about the best band in the world which, by the way, never made any error, any "bad" album/song/cover/pic, that is absolutely perfect and can't be told anything wrong about. And everybody who doesn't agree with this is just a bastard, an idiot CoB hater that has no taste in music and art in general. Your life is miserable, I read somewhere that people didn't liked the new artwork, I think it's perfect and you deserve death by fire for saying blasphemy about Alexi. I'm glad he wrote a song for you CoB bashers who didn't liked AYDY and listened to it at least every day, enjoy and leave this board for some shitty band's one, like Wintersun.

Umm, all of this is sarcasm right?

Right? :err: