New cob's cover band


Active Member
Nov 29, 2001
Warsaw, Poland
Yeah :headbang: I was searching the web and Ive found a band called Black Widow. Its a polsih band, which musicians plays for about 1,5 year each. And they even recorded some cob tribiute album

The fucking picture

Heres an music expamle, but dont expect any revelations, cuz they sucks sometimes.

The fucking mp3 - 3,75mb

But hey, respect, for them, sing their g/b so they would know that somebodys waches them. I dont know those guys, but Ive fought that it wpould be nice for u to know that they are that kind of bands :D They play only cob's songs :D
There was already a hippie band in the 60s or 70s which had the name Black Widow. Or maybe it's the same...
The recording quality is very shitty. The drums are pretty low, except for the symbals. The guitar is too low, lyricist is trying too hard plus is up too high. AND THE FUCKING BASS IS UP TOO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!

Overall, :lol:

I'd like to hear the final recording though.....
If that's the final recording, damn. Me and my drummer used to record our jam sessions with some mics going through a mixer and recorded it on cd which was looped to the mixer. The quality was way fucking better than that. Either they don't know how to adjust the settings, or they recorded with a 8-track tape recorder. Possibly a 4-track.
Yeah, man! That's right! I didn't know that anybody else knows them. I only heard one song of them (Sacrifice) on the Lords Of Chaos compilation CD. It was like 9 minutes and very cool. I don't know but I heard that it was one of the first bands with satanic lyrics.
I needed 1 hour to download the song and after 10 seconds I knew that it sucks BIG TIME. It's so bad that it's good! The best is the singer (probably the coolest one I've ever heard) and the guitar solo. :lol: :lol: I need the whole album!
Oh well, I shouldn't judge anyone - I can't play an instrument myself, but that wasn't, umh.. that good :rolleyes:
my band's bassplayer has a (pretty fucked up) studio in his house...
after we equalized the sounds.... we recorded everything with 1 mixer, 3 mics for the drums, and directally into the computer...
and it sounded just great!

And it was the first time we ever equalized a mixer/recorded something... AAND we're 16... fuck! aeuhaeuhae :lol:
how can these guys sound crappy?!
dunno, you tell me :D
I just wanted to show to u that polish bands are soo fucking perfect. But take a look at that point that the laed guitarist plays only 2 years. That sucks, I wish them luck in the future even if they cant play nice now :headbang: